TeamCity V6.5 introduces failing test muting

Released: Jun 2, 2011

Updates in this release

Updates in V6.5

  • Muting of failed tests
    TeamCity introduces new means to mute some of the failing tests so they wouldn't affect build status, allowing to significantly reduce cluttering of the build information flow.
  • Tests grouping
    Grouping tests by package is an essential feature for faster problem investigation. Tests can now be grouped in TeamCity on the build results page, current problems page, my changes page and so on.
  • Remote Agent Installation
    TeamCity 6.5 provides a new, experimental way to remotely install build agents on the machines in your network, or in the cloud.
  • Restyled web interface
    TeamCity 6.5 introduces new, restyled web interface - more lightweight, more modern looking and much more convenient.
  • Personal Builds on branches for Git and Mercurial
    TeamCity 6.5 provides a more natural way to start Personal Builds on server with distributed version controls.
  • Parametrized Version Control System roots
    VCS roots are collections of VSC settings used by TeamCity to obtain the source files for your builds. VCS roots do often get shared among different projects and build configurations.