DiagramLite supports custom arrowheads

Version 1.6 also adds support for styling of adjustment handles and improved link drawing speed.
Junio 16, 2010
Nuevas funcionalidades

DiagramLite provides applications targeting the Silverlight platform with the ability to create and display various kinds of diagram. DiagramLite supports workflow, flowchart and process diagrams, object hierarchy and relationship charts, entity-relationship diagrams, structures like graphs and trees, etc. Every behavioral and appearance aspect of DiagramLite can be customized as best suits your project. DiagramLite's Diagram objects can have different styles, colors, fonts and pictures. DiagramLite's programming model comprises more than 300 methods, properties and events. Source Code is available. DiagramLite now supports Silverlight 4 and Visual Studio 2010.

Updates in V1.6

  • Support for custom arrowheads
    The type of the HeadShape, BaseShape and IntermediateShape properties of DiagramLink has been changed from enum ArrowHead to class Shape, which is also used to define ShapeNode shapes. The ArrowHeads class now exposes Shape definitions that correspond to the ArrowHead enumeration members from previous versions. It is also possible to assign any Shapes member or a custom shape as an arrowhead. When used for arrowheads, position (50, 0) in the shape definition corresponds to the arrowhead's tip point.  
  • Adjustment handles styling
    The ActiveItemHandlesStyle, SelectedItemHandlesStyle and DisabledHandlesStyle properties can be used to customize the appearance of selection handles. The HandlesVisualStyle objects returned by them provide sub-properties that control the handles stroke and fill attributes.
  • Different arrowhead shapes can be filled with distinct brushes as set through HeadBrush, BaseBrush and IntermediateBrush.
  • The diagram area can be resized automatically to fit the current diagram items as set through the AutoResize property.
  • InitializeNode and InitializeLink events are raised when the user starts drawing a new item and can be used to customize the appearance of nodes and links before they are displayed.
  • Improved drawing speed of links.
  • The AnimatedLayout sample project demonstrates how to use SpringLayout for animation and partial layout.

About MindFusion Group

MindFusion Group products and services are based on the advanced technologies of industry leaders like Microsoft and Sun Microsystems as well as on open-source products. The professionals working with the MindFusion Group specialize in different areas of application and web development, database design and management, systems and network integration. They utilize the available technologies to maximum extent to create manageable, cost-efficient and flexible software solutions.

Running the TreeLayout sample in DiagramLite.

MindFusion.Diagramming for Silverlight

Añada a sus aplicaciones Silverlight flujo de trabajo, diagrama de flujo, diagramas de procesos, etc.

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