MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF 3.5.2

Exporte diagramas a archivos de formato Open XML (XLSX) de Excel.
Diciembre 1, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Export to Excel - Export diagrams to Excel Open XML Format (XLSX) files. Diagrams are exported as Excel AutoShapes drawings. The Export overload that takes a DiagramDocument parameter creates a sheet for each DiagramPage in the document.
  • Miscellaneous
    • ShapeNode, TableNode and Cell ImagePadding property now lets you set the padding space between an element's border and the image.
    • Visio2013Exporter now applies the TextVerticalAlignment property of nodes.
    • Improved GridRouter routes when connected nodes are close to each other.
MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

Añada capacidades avanzadas de creación de diagramas a sus aplicaciones WPF.

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