MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript V3.3.4

LayeredLayout añade una clasificación estable para mostrar resultados idénticos cuando se aplican al mismo gráfico.
Octubre 16, 2019
Nueva versión


  • Shape Components - The Shape class, used to specify ShapeNode geometry, can also be used as a component in a CompositeNode. When the isOutline attribute is set, the shape will control the CompositeNode's geometry too, defining hit test, clip area and link alignment points along the node's border. If isOutline is disabled, the shape will serve mostly as a decorative element.
  • containerChildAdding event handlers can now stop propagation of the event in the container hierarchy by calling setHandled.
  • TableNode.resizeToFitText improvements.
  • LayeredLayout now uses stable sorting and should always create the same results when applied to the same graph.
MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript

MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript

Añada a su aplicación diagramas independientes de las plataformas.

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