TX Text Control ActiveX Professional 30.0 SP2

Mejora la exportación HTML, el formato DOC y los campos de texto.
Junio 8, 2022
Nueva versión


Text Filters

  • Combination of TextFrame and Image with insertion mode fixed position on page leads to 01-1D09 when exporting to DOCX.
  • DOC: Formatting styles are not exported.
  • DOC Export: Style based on [Normal] will be based on Normal after export.
  • HTML: Overlapping text after saving a document as HTML.


  • German Resources: Word is missing in "Page Setup" dialog in the "Headers and Footers" tab.

Text Fields

  • Field.Start changes after undo when Field.ID is used.
TX Text Control ActiveX Professional

TX Text Control ActiveX Professional

Amplias prestaciones de procesamiento de textos e informes para Visual Basic 6 y lenguajes basados en COM.

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