Lanzamientos de Aspose.Cells for Java
Released: Sep 12, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.9
- Added support for displaying details for a value field in a PivotTable reports.
- Added support for skipping smart markers with JSON data sources.
- Added support for array data when importing JSON data to Excel using SmartMarkers.
- Added support for base64 picture data when importing JSON data to Excel using SmartMarkers.
- Added support for JSON as data source of repeated formulas in SmartMarkers.
- Added support for converting UTC date string to Datetime in processing SmartMarker...
Released: Aug 9, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.8
- Incomplete display of a certain line of text when saving file to PDF.
- Copying a Workbook does not copy settings.
- Cell.setHtmlString not rendering image from URL.
- Result file data display error when converting file to HTML.
- Currency symbols were lost when saving ODS file.
- Cannot insert a new column with desired style besides a Pivot Table.
- SetSkipBlanks(true) does not skip blank source cells when pasting.
- Changing the color of a few words in the chart shape will result in extra...
Released: Jul 13, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.7
- Improved width and height measure for Aptos Narrow font.
- You can now keep and remove custom JavaScript macros.
- The spacing between text lines in the text box is incorrect when converting the file to PDF.
- ASC function does not give correct value for some characters.
- WIDECHAR does not give correct result for some Japanese characters.
- TEXT function was not calculated correctly for some regions.
- Incomplete display of chart data when converting file to HTML.
- Image size...
Released: Jun 15, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.6
- Fixed error for loading unknown image supported by third party imageio plugin.
- Issue with copying images and shapes from one Excel file to another.
- Full width characters not converted to half width characters when converting files to PDF.
- Dotted lines in chart became solid lines when chart saved as EMF image.
- Row height error when converting file to HTML.
- Rotated text rendering error when converting files to HTML.
- Cell data position error when converting file to HTML.
- Text cross...
Released: May 10, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.5
- Added support for exporting Forms as Controls.
- Added support for getting original height of a hidden row in pixels.
- After the same line of text is rendered, part of the text is offset downwards.
- Partial data of embedded Word object is not displayed when saving file to PDF.
- Issue with calculating WORKDAY formula with Holidays references.
- TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER formulas cause exception in Workbook.calculateFormula.
- Intervals of X-axis tickmarks changed in the...
Released: Apr 10, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.4
- Added support for placing a picture into a cell.
- Added support for getting the original column width.
- Issue with copying images and shapes from one Excel file to another.
- Full width characters not converted to half width characters when converting files to PDF.
- Dotted lines in chart became solid lines when chart saved as EMF image.
- Row height error when converting file to HTML.
- Rotated text rendering error when converting files to HTML.
- Cell data position error when...
Released: Mar 12, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.3
- Added support for setting default folders when saving a file to HTML.
- Improved response when terminating HTML saving processes.
- Text characters shift upwards when Excel file is converted to PDF.
- Failed to apply formatting when adding multiple formatting conditions.
- The chart area, labels, legends, are rendered incorrectly in output PDF and PNG.
- Worksheet.autoFitRows(true) - the page layout sometimes broken or inconsistent.
- Some cell text is too small and missing when...
Released: Feb 7, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.2
- Reduced the file size of generated EMF image while exporting sheet to EMF image.
- Dialog box is not converted into output PDF properly.
- Issue with rendering drawings and text for XLT file format in Excel to PDF.
- CalculateForumula results "-".
- Excel conditional format duplicate value setting format shows error after saving to HTML.
- Incorrect results obtained after calling formula calculation.
- Value list validation does not show in GridWeb Java.
- The incorrect size and...
Released: Jan 11, 2024
Actualizaciones en V24.1
- Added support for jakarta.servlet to GridWeb java.
- Added support for highlighted sheet tabs in the output HTML for mobile devices.
- Added support for JSON as the data source of a smart marker.
- You can now show the first item of datetime group pivot field if the field contains a blank item.
- Text inside shapes is not displayed when converting Excel worksheet to images.
- Invalid text color inside the shape/textbox when saving an Excel file to HTML.
- CalculateFormula() does...
Released: Dec 14, 2023
Actualizaciones en V23.12
- Added support for MAKEARRAY function.
- Added support for JSON as data source for smart markers.
- You can now retrieve "Style Includes" information.
- Improved the performance of calculating shared formulas recursively.
- Different behavior of XLSX and XLSB files for MaxRow and MaxColumn attributes when using in LightCells APIs.
- VLOOKUP function calculation gets an error value.
- Incorrect value obtained after IRR function calculation.
- Endless loop with "CalculateFormula...