Acerca de Chart FX Gauges for .NET

Supervise sus datos cruciales en tiempo real utilizando representaciones de medidores y paneles digitales.

Chart FX Gauges is a set of .NET components that allow developers to quickly and effectively integrate gauges into their client-server and web-based applications. Chart FX Gauges includes WinForms & WebForms ( ASP.NET) Radial gauge, Linear gauge, Digital Meter and LED Panel components optimized for real-time with realistic look and adaptive styles for your environment. Chart FX Gauges is AJAX enabled. It can also update images without refreshing the entire page using a combination of client JavaScript and server side bit-streaming.

Chart FX Gauges includes both WinForms & WebForms (ASP.NET) Radial gauge, Linear gauge, Digital Meter LED Panel . Both horizontal and Vertical Gauges supported. This is a brief description of the components included.

Chart FX Gauges Radial Gauge
The most common and conventional type of gauge. Chart FX Gauge offers a vast variety of radial borders, needles, markers and tickmarks to fully customize the look and feel of your gauge. You can setup and locate multiple scales, needles and images. Basically, any gauge element can be easily located in the drawing area based on a location relative to the border or to a specific Anchor point.

Radial gauges included are: Circular, Semicircular, Floating, Square, Rectangular, Marker Indicator, Multiple Indicators, Combined Indicators, Concentric Scales, Multiple Scales, Internal Scale, Combinations ( i.e.Combination Radial-Digital, Combination Radial-Horizontal,Combination Radial-Vertical), etc..

Chart FX Gauges Linear Gauge
Linear gauges display data on a horizontal or vertical scale. Similar to the radial gauges, linear gauges come complete with a variety of borders, marks, fillers and indicator styles and allow complete customization. Linear Gauges support a collection of scales with different values, tickmarks and markers. These scales can be positioned anywhere inside the drawing area.

It can produce several types of linear gauges, among them: square, thermometer, Filler,Marker,Repeater, Multiple Markers, Combination Filler-Marker, Multiple Fillers, Multiple Scales, etc..

Chart FX Gauges Digital Meter
Digital Meter gauges display 7 segment and 14 segment indicators to illustrate numerical values or text. Although a more simple type of gauge, it can be extremely useful when using it in combination with radial or linear gauges.

Chart FX Gauges LED Panel
Similar to the digital meter, the LED Panel displays text or numerical data but using a series of LED lights to display the values.