Precios de MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC)

Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC), póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Devart.

Podemos suministrar cualquier licencia de MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC), incluidas nuevas suscripciones, renovaciones de suscripciones, licencias de equipo, licencias de sitio y actualizaciones a versiones superiores.

A continuación, nuestros precios ordinarios. Le rogamos que inicie sesión para ver sus precios con descuento.

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MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x - New Perpetual Licenses - Standard

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 166762Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534222

Licencias y Entrega $ 205.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 213514Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534228

Licencias y Entrega $ 519.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 213516Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534230

Licencias y Entrega $ 930.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878697Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534264

Licencias y Entrega $ 293.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878701Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534265

Licencias y Entrega $ 744.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878705Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534266

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,332.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878699Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534267

Licencias y Entrega $ 372.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878703Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534268

Licencias y Entrega $ 940.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878707Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534269

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,675.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x - New Perpetual Licenses - Professional

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153148Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534224

Licencias y Entrega $ 323.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License Upgrade from Standard - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153159Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534226

Licencias y Entrega $ 97.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153149Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534232

Licencias y Entrega $ 813.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License Upgrade from Standard - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153160Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534260

Licencias y Entrega $ 244.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153150Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534234

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,460.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License Upgrade from Standard - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153161Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534262

Licencias y Entrega $ 440.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878709Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534270

Licencias y Entrega $ 470.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878713Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534271

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,166.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878717Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534272

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,087.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878711Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534273

Licencias y Entrega $ 587.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878715Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534274

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,469.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878719Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534275

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,636.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x - New Perpetual Licenses - Professional with Source code

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 166764Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534236

Licencias y Entrega $ 538.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License Upgrade from Professional - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 193191Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534276

Licencias y Entrega $ 195.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153154Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534238

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,352.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License Upgrade from Professional - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153166Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534277

Licencias y Entrega $ 489.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300060343Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534240

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,430.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License Upgrade from Professional - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300153167Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534278

Licencias y Entrega $ 881.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878721Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534279

Licencias y Entrega $ 774.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878725Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534280

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,930.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878729Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534281

Licencias y Entrega $ 3,469.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878723Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534282

Licencias y Entrega $ 970.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878727Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534283

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,440.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878731Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534284

Licencias y Entrega $ 4,380.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x - Subscription Renewals - Standard

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273930Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534242

Licencias y Entrega $ 107.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273931Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534244

Licencias y Entrega $ 264.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273932Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534246

Licencias y Entrega $ 470.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878698Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534285

Licencias y Entrega $ 195.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878702Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534286

Licencias y Entrega $ 499.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878706Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534287

Licencias y Entrega $ 891.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878700Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534288

Licencias y Entrega $ 284.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878704Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534289

Licencias y Entrega $ 705.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878708Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534290

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,264.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x - Subscription Renewals - Professional

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273933Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534248

Licencias y Entrega $ 166.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273934Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534250

Licencias y Entrega $ 411.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273935Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534252

Licencias y Entrega $ 734.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878710Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534291

Licencias y Entrega $ 313.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878714Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534292

Licencias y Entrega $ 774.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878718Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534293

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,391.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878712Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534294

Licencias y Entrega $ 440.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878716Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534295

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,107.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878720Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534296

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,979.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x - Subscription Renewals - Professional with Source code

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273939Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534254

Licencias y Entrega $ 274.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273940Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534256

Licencias y Entrega $ 676.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300273941Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534258

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,215.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878722Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534297

Licencias y Entrega $ 519.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878726Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534298

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,293.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878730Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534299

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,312.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878724Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534300

Licencias y Entrega $ 734.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878728Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534301

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,832.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878732Nuestra Referencia #: CS-516254-1534302

Licencias y Entrega $ 3,282.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) V12.3.x

Enterprise License - Special conditions and flexible pricing for Enterprises

  Llame para precio

Alineación / Sincronización

Si tiene varias suscripciones con diferentes fechas de renovación y desea alinearlas, podemos ayudarle independientemente de dónde las haya comprado. Chatee en vivo con nosotros para abordar sus requisitos.


Versiones anteriores

Si compra una nueva licencia, puede descargar cualquier versión anterior desde su cuenta de Devart. Visite el área del usuario registrado de Devart.

Licenciamiento de MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC)

Single Developer License: install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by 1 (one) developer for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Team Developer License: install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by up to 4 (four) developers within a single company at one physical address for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Site License: Install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by developers in a single company at one physical address for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

The Subscription Program is an annual maintenance and support service. Users with a valid Subscription get the following benefits:

  • Access to new versions when they are released
  • Access to all updates and bug fixes
  • Product support through the Priority Support program
  • Notification of new product versions

Contratos de licencia

Preguntas frecuentes

¿La licencia es permanente (perpetua) o temporal?

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) licencias son permanentes. Puede seguir utilizando el producto adquirido después de que finalice el período de suscripción.

¿Qué sucede después de que caduque mi suscripción?

Puede seguir utilizando los productos incluidos en su suscripción durante el tiempo que necesite. La expiración de la suscripción significa que ya no recibirá ninguna actualización del producto ni nuevas versiones del producto. Puede renovar su suscripción a un coste menor que la compra de una nueva licencia.

¿Puedo alinear (sincronizar) mis licencias actuales?

Sí: ComponentSource puede alinear sus licencias aunque no las comprara originalmente a través de nosotros. Llámenos o para abordar sus necesidades.

¿Puedo añadir una nueva licencia a mi cuenta de Devart existente?

Sí: puede añadir nuevas licencias de los mismos productos o nuevas licencias de diferentes productos a su cuenta de Devart existente.

¿Puedo comprar una versión de producto antigua?

Devart no vende directamente versiones antiguas. Sin embargo, si es un usuario con licencia, puede descargar cualquier versión anterior del área del usuario registrado de Devart.

¿Puedo instalar mi licencia en más de un equipo?

Sí. Puede instalar, activar y utilizar una copia adicional en un segundo dispositivo portátil, un portátil o un ordenador doméstico para uso exclusivo de la misma persona.

¿Se puede transferir una licencia de un desarrollador a otro?

La propiedad de la licencia se puede ceder a otra persona o empresa, pero debe ponerse en contacto con Devart para especificar la información de contacto para el nuevo propietario de la licencia. Para obtener información completa, consulte el Contrato de licencia.

¿Qué tipo de soporte recibo?

Los usuarios con una suscripción válida tienen derecho a Priority Support, que se proporciona por correo electrónico con un plazo de respuesta de dos días laborables. Los usuarios que carecen de suscripción pueden obtener soporte técnico a través de los foros de la comunidad (Community Forums).

¿Requiere MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) activación online / offline?

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) requiere la activación de la licencia. Para activar, inicie sesión en el área del usuario registrado de Devart.