Lanzamientos de DevExtreme Web

Released: Dec 14, 2016

Actualizaciones en 16.2.3


  • Angular 2 Support (RC)
    • Webpack and Angular CLI Ready - With the v16.2 release, DevExtreme Angular 2 components can be seamlessly used with Webpack and installed into an application created with Angular CLI.
    • DevExtreme Validation - All built-in DevExtreme validation features are now available inside the DevExtreme Angular 2 components. You can use dx-validator, dx-validation-group, dx-validation-summary components and all available validation rules in your Angular 2 application...

Released: Nov 18, 2016

Actualizaciones en 16.1.8


  • Visual Studio 2017 RC support.


Data Grid

  • dxDataGrid throws an error on inserting a new row if a composition key is used.
  • dxDataGrid - Row height gets large on adaptive resizing (columnHidingEnabled) in case of the wordWrapEnabled option when a column with a large text is hidden.
  • dxDataGrid - It is impossible to get a data field name in a cell template of an adaptive detail row.
  • dxDataGrid - Editors disappear inside the edit form after resizing a browser window...

Released: Oct 13, 2016

Actualizaciones en 16.1.7


Data Grid

  • An error row is duplicated if the dxDateBox datepicker has been opened.
  • dxDataGrid - A JavaScript error occurs on an attempt to select a row using two-way binding for the selectedRowKeys option if the key option is defined as an array.
  • dxDataGrid - A master-detail grid does not work when a row template is defined for a master row.
  • dxDataGrid - A row that is being validated is duplicated if validation fails and grouping is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - An empty column appears on...

Released: Sep 7, 2016

Actualizaciones en 16.1.6


DevExtreme Core

  • ODataStore - Provides the capability to send PATCH requests.


DevExtreme Data Grid

  • A focusable element inside a dxDataGrid cell can't be focused.
  • Dragging a band causes an error if the row selection is enabled (jQuery 2.1.4).
  • Dragging bands and columns does not work correctly.
  • dxDataGrid - Adaptivity - Columns in the adaptive detail row are displayed in the reverted order.
  • dxDataGrid - Band columns of the third level are added in an incorrect order...

Released: Aug 2, 2016

Actualizaciones en 16.1.5


Data Grid

  • Columns above the Column Chooser can't be dragged on Android
  • Columns change their width when clicking a cell if one row is displayed in the grid
  • DataGrid MVC Wrapper - The selected page size is not highlighted
  • Documentation - dxDataGrid - Add a note that the "=" condition is used by default if all filter operations are denied
  • dxDataGrid - A group summary is rendered incorrectly if a right fixed column does not contain a summary
  • dxDataGrid - A grouping box border is...

Released: Jun 23, 2016

Actualizaciones en 16.1.4


  • Adaptability Enhancements - With this release, DevExpress have added the ability to specify different dxForm widget layouts for multiple screen resolutions.
  • HTML5 Data Grid widget Enhancements
    • Expand and collapse groups using a mouse click or a tap.
    • Group rows using a context menu.
    • Select columns using check boxes displayed within the column chooser.
  • AngularJS 2.0 Support (CTP) - DevExtreme editors can now work as Angular 2 components.
  • ASP.NET MVC Wrappers (CTP) - v...