DevExpress WinForms 16.2.5 released

Released: Feb 28, 2017

Actualizaciones en 16.2.5


  • Adds support for Visual Studio 2017.


All WinForms Controls

  • CheckedListBoxControl doesn't uncheck its items if it is referenced by SearchControl.
  • PropertyGridControl shows multiple headers as selected.

Coded UI

  • CodedUI - Widget documents' custom header buttons aren't accessible.

Data Access Library

  • Report Designer - Enabling the DataSourceWizardSettings.LegacyMasterDetailEditor option has no effect (no legacy master-detail editor).
  • SqlDataSoure - The QueryBuilder's column Expression Editor should not include 'Like' into the list of the available operands.

PDF Viewer

  • Interactivity - Mouse Wheel incorrectly scrolls the thumbnail pane when it has input focus and the mouse cursor is placed outside this pane under Windows 7 or 8.
  • Thumbnails - NullReferenceException is thrown if the thumbnail panel size is changed during the thumbnail panel creation.
  • Usability - There is no ability to programmatically select the currently visible navigation pane page.


  • NullReferenceException occurs on an attempt to modify content of SnapList placed in another SnapList.
  • SnapControl scrolls the report to the previous selection in the document after selecting a table's row.
  • SnapControl throws NullReferenceException when the mouse is moved over the 'Table of contents' if there is a header in 'edit mode'.
  • Text location on the report changes by moving the mouse over the text (snlist).

WinForms Demos

  • XtraGrid main demo - Master-Detail Grouping - Button captions are incorrect.

XtraBars Suite

  • A BarButtonItem's size is not updated after changing its caption at runtime if it is located in a BarLinkContainerExItem.
  • A float dock panel is docked to another screen on an attempt to dock the panel to a screen while the panel's header is partially moved out of the screen.
  • AccordionControl - Tooltips are not shown for existing context buttons if the ToolTip property is set after the corresponding Accordion Element is added to the Elements collection.
  • BackstageViewControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when RibbonStyle is changed to Office2010 after BackstageViewControl was hidden.
  • BackstageViewControl - The RibbonForm flickers when the minimized application is closed using the Taskbar and the control is opened.
  • BackstageViewControl is flickering on being shown if the BackstageViewControl.Office2013StyleOptions.AllowShowHideAnimation option is disabled and a dark skin paint theme is used.
  • BarButtonItem - An item is not painted as hovered after it has been clicked.
  • BarEditItem's check box is incorrectly scaled with 175% DPI.
  • BarManager - NullReferenceException is raised if a BarSubItem contains only invisible items and the BarSubItem is clicked.
  • BarManager - SVG images are drawn blurred with high DPI settings.
  • BarManager - The exception occurs if all items of BarLinkContainerItem are hidden.
  • Docking - Dockpanel doesn't restore its size on switching the state from maximized to normal.
  • DockManager - DockPanels overlap when they are used in a TabbedView document.
  • Documentation - RibbonControl.ScreenModeChanged - Update description.
  • DocumentManager - A floating TabbedView form remains visible after being docked in Windows 7.
  • FlyoutDialog crashes when a bonus skin is used.
  • Implement the ISupportCommandBinding interface for TileNavItem and TileNavSubItem.
  • InvalidCastException occurs when QuickCustomizationBarControl gets the MouseWheel message.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown after clicking the "Open" bar item of the SchedulerControl's Ribbon.
  • NullReferenceException when removing or adding items to BarSubItem inside BarSubItem.Popup event after upgrading from 16.1.7 to 16.2.3.
  • OfficeNavigationBar doesn't allow creating a custom painter.
  • ParametrizedAction isn't executed on the first click in Ribbon TabbedMDI mode.
  • PopupMenu - NullReferenceException is thrown when a sub item is selected using the right arrow key.
  • PopupMenu throws the NullReferenceException when updating ItemLinks.
  • RibbonControl - A drop-down arrow and text are overlapping in MacOffice Ribbon Style.
  • RibbonControl - Carriage returns are ignored in large items if the LargeWidth property is greater than 0.
  • RibbonControl - When a form is unfocused, a click on the BarSplitButtonItem drop-down button raises the ItemClick event instead of opening the drop-down window.
  • SuperToolTip is shown above the BarButtonItem if the former is located on the RibbonStatusBar and there is no enough space to display the SuperToolTip.
  • TabForm - TabPages are removed from one TabForm and then added to another TabForm at design time.
  • TabFormControl doesn't set its SelectedPage to null after a page referenced by this property is moved onto another form.
  • The BarEditItem clones the popup editor if a user selects a value when the corresponding group is collapsed.
  • The TabNavigationPage.Enabled property does not work.
  • TileBar - It is not possible to drag a tile to the last position.
  • TileControl is not painted correctly when scrolling.
  • TileNavPane - Items cannot be localized using resources.
  • TileNavPane - TileNavItems are renamed after new TileNavItems were added/removed.
  • WidgetView - Documents do not occupy all available space.

XtraCharts Suite

  • ChartControl does not update the X axis' range when a series has been hidden via the legend's checkboxes in certain cases.
  • Custom Palette cannot be serialized in certain situations.
  • KeyNotFoundException is thrown when reading Palettes.BlackAndWhite.
  • The Spline view is not shown in a chart as the number of points increases.
  • XRChart - The Summary function is not evaluated for a calculated field in certain situations.


  • Connectors are routed incorrectly in certain cases after upgrading to version 16.2.
  • It takes a long time to generate an OrgChart with many nodes using DiagramOrgChartController.
  • Localization - The DevExpress.Diagram.Core assembly is built without a public key token.
  • Snapping to the grid works incorrectly when DiagramControl uses a non-standard MeasureUnit and the GridSize property is specified.
  • The NullReferenceException is raised when items are removed from DiagramControl before corresponding connectors.

XtraEditors Library

  • ​XtraMessageBox - System.EntryPointNotFoundException is thrown on Windows XP before showing a message box.
  • An exception is thrown in PopupGridLookUpEditForm.Dispose when exiting an application launched from ClickOnce.
  • CalendarСontrol's selection works improperly when the mouse hovers days of the week.
  • Camera Control freezes once the orientation is changed 180 degrees.
  • CheckEdit - Additional paddings are shown.
  • CheckEdit - The image is not scaled when the IsDpiAware option is enabled.
  • CollectionEditor should remember the property grid sort order.
  • ColorPickEdit - The More Colors button is still visible when the ShowColorDialog property is set to False.
  • ContextButtons are not visible on ListBox and CheckedListBox controls.
  • DateEdit - The popup form is closed before the KeyDown event fires when the Enter key is pressed.
  • EntryPointNotFoundException occurs after installing a hotfix on Windows XP machines.
  • Forms - Title bar buttons aren't highlighted when a window is inactive.
  • GroupPanel - The caption line is drawn behind the caption image.
  • Inconsistent keyboard handling in ColorPickEdit's popup form.
  • LookUpEdit - An image column does not show images if the column was created manually.
  • Regional settings are not applied to date/time controls.
  • SplitContainerControl - Scaling is not applied to SplitterPosition on high DPI.
  • SuperToolTip - The ToolTipItem text is hidden if ImageAlign is set to Right.
  • The Enabled property of GroupControl's CustomHeaderButton is not taken into account while reloading the designer file.
  • The RemovingMRUItem event is not fired when MRUEdit is used as an in-place editor.
  • The RepositoryItemPageNumberEdit.LabelFormat property doesn't work.
  • TimeEdit - Changes made in an edit box are not reflected in a popup window.
  • TrackbarControl - The mouse wheel step is incorrect when the TrackbarControl.Properties.SmallChangeUseMode property is set to ArrowKeysAndMouse.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - Cannot select the first item after nodes are filtered.
  • XtraEditors - The Appearance.TextOptions.HotPrefix property value is ignored.
  • XtraForm - The title bar is cut off both in the minimized state and when the ShowinTaskBar option is disabled.
  • XtraMessageBox - Icons are incorrectly drawn under certain conditions.
  • XtraMessageBox scales its Ok button incorrectly.

XtraGrid Suite

  • A current filter is reset to string.Empty if the grid is filtered by SearchControl after expanding any master row.
  • An exception is thrown when changing DisplayText via the CustomColumnDisplayText event, ColumnFilterPopupMode is set to Excel and FilterMode is set to DisplayText.
  • Certain strings aren't localizable in ExcelFilterDialog.
  • Conditional Arrow Icons don't work with double.PositiveInfinity.
  • Data-aware Export - Bands aren't exported when OptionsPrint.ShowBandHeaders is enabled.
  • Excel Style Filtering - OverflowException when using Int64 values.
  • ExcelFilterDropDown - The null item isn't localizable.
  • Export to Excel - Allow setting a password.
  • Filter Dropdown items ignore column editor settings when the Excel Style is used and the underlying property is of the Enum type.
  • Grid - A new record is not shown in an empty view after the AddNewRow method is called and DetailMode is Embedded.
  • Grid - Column headers are too high when printing detail views which have never been expanded.
  • Grid - InvalidCastException is thrown when using Excel Style column filter for dates and an Instant Feedback Source.
  • GridControl - Detail view is incorrectly drawn when the detail tab and column headers are hidden.
  • GridControl - Exported headers do not show their caption if the ShowBands option is disabled.
  • GridControl - The Excel Filter popup form does not resize correctly when the application font is changed.
  • GridControl - The filter is changed when the date filter popup is opened twice.
  • GridControl - The key attribute does not affect the Excel-inspired filter dropdown.
  • GridControl - The summary item is calculated incorrectly if bands are hidden.
  • GridListEditor - Unexpected cell selection behavior with the DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridMultiSelectMode.CellSelect option.
  • GridView - ArgumentException occurs in ExcelFilter if RTL is enabled while the main form is being closed.
  • GridView - Incorrect format while exporting DateTimeOffset.
  • GridView - InvalidCastException occurs on an attempt to filter a column via the Excel filter if the InstantFeedBack mode is enabled.
  • InvalidCastException is thrown when Narrator is used for CheckedCombBoxEdit's dropdown.
  • LayoutView - ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when a WaitForm is closed after the grid's data source is changed.
  • LayoutView - Text is incorrectly shifted to the left when 1 card is visible and a WaitForm is closed.
  • LayoutView - The Appearance.FieldCaption settings aren't taken into account after as WaitForm is displayed.
  • LayoutView - The carousel animation isn't played for the first time after a WaitForm is displayed.
  • LayoutView - The third card is incorrectly shown in carousel mode after WaitForm is closed.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when expanding master rows right after GridControl's data source is changed.
  • ReportGenerator - Bands are not visible in the preview window when columns are not printed.
  • The GetDataSetWhere method does not enclose the special symbols in square brackets.
  • The GetDetailView method returns null if it is called in the MasterRowExpanded event handler when the grid is filtered by SearchControl.
  • The Overflow exception is thrown when LayoutView is being filtered.
  • TileView - NullReferenceException is thrown when the ShowPrintPreview method is called.
  • TileView - The ItemClick is not raised for the first time after setting the e.Item.Checked property in the event handler.
  • WcfServerModeSource - The "Reentry or race condition detected" exception is raised.
  • XtraGrid - An error occurs on an attempt to add more than two conditional formating rules at runtime.

XtraLayout Suite

  • DashboardLayoutControl - The FontStyleDelta and FontSizeDelta properties are not applied to a layout control item until re-sizing it.
  • DashboardLayoutControl - The dragging operation is started when a layout control item's custom header button is clicked.
  • LayoutControl - A child control loses its focus when a custom header button is clicked.
  • LayoutControl - A row is not resized in TableLayout mode when high DPI is used.
  • LayoutControl - Controls' names are not restored when a custom template is assigned to the control.
  • LayoutControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when changing the appearance for groups using the CustomDraw event.
  • LayoutControlItem tooltips are not shown if LayoutControlGroup.AllowCustomizeChildren = false.
  • RichEditControl is printed on a separate page when RichEditControl is located in LayoutControl.


  • Bing Map Routing - Provide a way to calcualate routes by tolls.
  • MapControl elements are not copied to a different Form in design mode.
  • MapControl is locked during the remote session in certain situations.
  • Wms Provider - Unhandled exception occurs in certain situations.


  • NavBarControl - Changing and restoring the WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultFont property distorts a layout.
  • NavBarControl - Images assigned to e.Image in the CustomDrawLink event are drawn incorrectly.
  • NavBarControl - The expand/collapse button size is not increased in TouchUI mode when PaintStyleKind is NavigationPane.
  • NavBarControl ignores the Min\MaxSize properties when the AllowHorizontalResizing option is enabled.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • Data-Aware Export - InsertImage in the CustomizeSheetHeader event handler incorrectly works with version 16.2.
  • Export to Excel (Data Aware) - A layout is changed after an upgrade.
  • PivotGridControl - Cell Editor is not shown correctly when HorizontalScrolling is set to Control.
  • The BestFit method causes the NullReferenceException when the CustomColumnWidth event is handled to set the width of the grand total column.
  • The IncorrectAsyncOperationCallException is raised on switching to another cell during editing without pressing the Enter key.

XtraPrinting Library

  • Excel Export - 65535 is exported to Excel for Double.NaN values instead of #NUM!.
  • RTF Export - Partially transparent BackColor is exported incorrectly.
  • RTF Export - Watermark is exported incorrectly if the SizeMode property is set to Zoom.

XtraReports Suite

  • End-User ReportDesigner - No subreport script compilation errors are shown to a user.
  • A specific report cannot be restored from its definition.
  • Changing a report parameter clears unrelated cascading parameters in the report.
  • Changing report margins in the print preview breaks the RunningSummary calculation.
  • End-User Report Designer - Code Completion - The suggestions popup should be closed when non-letter characters were typed.
  • Export to Excel - Intersected bricks are not exported.
  • Export To Image - Change the produced metafile type from EmfPlusOnly to EmfPlusDual.
  • Export to RTF - The file size with JPG images is increased after generation.
  • Export to XLSX (the singe file page-by-page mode): Vertical content splitting behavior is incorrect.
  • Floating objects are positioned incorrectly in the Document Viewer's Print Preview.
  • Group Footer - The KeepTogether property is not in effect in certain cases.
  • MultiColumn Report - Records that don't fit into a page by height are moved to the next page without previous records and subsequent records are not printed.
  • Report Designer - Not all bound fields are localized through the DXDisplayName attribute.
  • Report Designer - The DataSet name is not displayed in the Data Binding combobox.
  • Report's content that is placed under the Subreport control is not shifted if the Subreport.CanShrink property is set to true.
  • SubBands cannot be reordered in derived report when one of SubBands was added to a base report class.
  • Subreport data is repeated when surrounded by group bands with the GroupUnion property set.
  • Summary over a group - Duplicate values are not merged when the target is set to Value and ProcessDuplicatesMode is Merge.
  • System.NullReferenceException occurs when IReport.ClosePreview is called from the PreviewClick event handler.
  • The DetailBand.KeepTogether property is not respected in the multi-column layout.
  • The ReportFooterBand.BeforePrint event is raised before the report printing when the ReportHeaderBand occupies more than one page.
  • WinForms End-User Report Designer - Expression Editor modifies a complex expression.
  • WinForms End-User Report Designer - It is not possible to reorder DetailReport bands in the report explorer by using drag and drop.
  • XRChart - Synchronize the PrintOptions.ImageFormat and the XRChart.ImageType property values.
  • XRCrossBandLine controls disappear on some pages.
  • XRPageInfo in a duplicated subreport displays incorrect values.
  • XRSubreport - ReportSource is serialized to XML even if the ReportSourceUrl property is specified.
  • XRTableCell - The RunningSum summary value is not displayed in the table cell if some table cells were hidden.
  • XRTableOfContents - A multicolumn (DownThenAcross) report is broken.
  • XtraReport - Page summary info is incorrect.
  • XtraReport XML serialization - No "Ref" attribute is saved for custom components.
  • XtraReports - XRPivotGrid Field List displays all the fields and doesn't take into account the IDisplayNameProvider interface implementation.


  • ArgumentException occurs on a mouse click in the Reviewing Pane area.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs on an attempt to resize a document image if RichEditControl contains a Reviewing Pane.
  • Auto Correction operates improperly if the AutoCorrectReplaceInfoCollection.CaseSensitive property is set to True.
  • Exception occurs on an attempt to delete a bookmark in the last document paragraph if the Bookmarks.Get method was invoked.
  • Fields expressions with a digit grouping symbol are processed incorrectly.
  • NullReferenceException occurs on an attempt to insert a floating object to the comment SubDocument via the copy-paste action.
  • RichEditControl doesn't interpret bookmarks written on the table row level between table cells in the OpenXml document.
  • Several editors in RichEditControl forms are not scaled properly when a large font is applied to the application.
  • System.ArgumentNullException is thrown while opening a specific document if the RichEditControl's SpellChecker is used in Check As You Type mode.
  • The "long-time" calculated properties of RichEditControl (SnapControl) should be hidden from the Debug-Watch window to prevent VS from hanging.
  • The button isn't completely visible in the ribbon's Insert->Table popup when a large font is applied to the application.
  • The Options.Import.Html.FontScalingDpiValue option is not taken into account while pasting an HTML text into the RichEditControl document on a high DPI screen.
  • The ShowTableStyleFormCommand command's constructor with one parameter is missing in v16.2.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • A layout of the "WeekDaysCheckEdit" control located within the Recurrence Form is calculated incorrectly when a large font is used in an application.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions is raised while scrolling the Gantt View content.
  • Duplicate Appointments after refreshing.
  • Mouse Cursor is incorrectly changed from "Vertical Resize" to "Normal" while resizing the appointments.
  • NullReferenceException occurs after closing the message window shown when no item is selected in the Page Setup dialog.
  • NullReferenceException occurs on an attempt to switch an active view to the Agenda view if the Null value is assigned to the Description property in the InitAppointmentDisplayText event.
  • Remove the Obsolete attribute for the SetBrush method of the AppointmentStatusExtension class.
  • ResourcesTree nodes are not synchronized with SchedulerControl visible resources after applying a filter to ResourcesTree.
  • SchedulerControl keeps using an appointment view info collection of disposed appointments after refilling the appointment collection in the FetchAppointments event handler.
  • The application hangs on setting the SchedulerStorage.Appointments.Mappings.End property value.
  • There is no capability to customize the "Date Time" format of the DateNavigationBar caption.
  • Today date is incorrectly highlighted in the DateNavigator when it is bound to SchedulerControl with a specific client time zone.


  • An additional line is added to the Custom Dictionary after clicking the OK button in the "Custom Dictionary" dialog.


  • A date entered into a cell with the Date format applied is parsed incorrectly by SpreadsheetControl.
  • A protected document can be overwritten when the Cancel button is pressed on the Password form and the workbook is saved later.
  • ActiveX form controls are lost after re-saving a document in the .XLS format.
  • An exception is thrown after moving a cell with a formula that returns a text value.
  • ArgumentNullException occurs when removing rows from a worksheet.
  • Cell formatting is lost on re-saving a document containing cells with a custom style applied.
  • Comments disappear after reloading a document with comments saved with SpreadsheetControl.
  • Data Binding - Provide the capability to retrieve data field names from the bound data source.
  • Documentation - The list of required assemblies in the "Deployment" topic contains invalid entries.
  • Formatting copied from a "source" range does not clear all the cell formatting in a "target" range.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when programmatically inserting multiple rows in a worksheet.
  • Information about groups (outlines) is missing when "Mail Merge" ranges are copied/pasted during the Mail Merge operation.
  • Information about groups (outlines) is missing while copying/pasting ranges containing grouped rows (only row content is pasted).
  • NullReferenceException is raised while saving a document containing a lot of images to the XLS format.
  • Performance issue on applying filters to a document with a lot of formulas.
  • Printing - The " System.ArgumentException: '-1' is not a valid value for 'index'" exception is thrown on printing a document with a non-default value of the "Over then Down" page order option.
  • Spreadsheet - The ClearFormats method changes cell protection.
  • Spreadsheet Pivot Table - ChangeDataSource removes all fields and field settings.
  • SpreadsheetControl crashes when TimePeriodConditionalFormatting is applied to cells whose values cannot be converted to the System.DateTime format.
  • String values with a thousand separator are incorrectly converted to numbers while loading document in CSV format.
  • System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown after pasting cells copied from German MS Office Excel's document opened from a network resource.
  • The number of editors in the Insert Formula dialog is calculated incorrectly when an OptionalUnlimited parameter is specified for the "User Defined" function.
  • The ParameterValue class does now provide a direct way to obtain a DateTime value.
  • Usability - SpreadsheetControl does not have an API to check and change an .XLSX/XLS document's CalculationId property.
  • XtraSpreadsheet - Extra characters are shown in the exported PDF document if Spreadsheet's cell contains text in German.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • How to prevent TreeList and BandedGridView band cells from being merged on exporting data to Excel.
  • RepositoryItemTreeListLookupEdit doesn't work in inplace mode with virtual data source.
  • TreeList - Copying and pasting the control discards all information relating to bands.
  • TreeList - Incorrect images are shown if the TreeList.ImageIndexFieldName property is set after creating columns.
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException is thrown when hovering over the Auto Filter Row outside existing columns.
  • TreeList - The last column's content is not completely visible if a vertical scrollbar is shown.
  • TreeList shows a button in the Auto Filter Row.


  • Documentation - A spelling mistake in the "Create a TreeMap Bound to Flat Data" article.
  • Documentation - TreeMap libraries are missing in the WinForms Redistribution and Deployment topic.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • An exception is thrown when PropertyGridControl is used as a client of SearchControl.
  • Focus change causes glitch with ComboBoxEdit/VGridControl/ContainerControl.
  • PropertyGrid doesn't sort its rows in case the SelectedObject property is assigned to an object that implements ICustomTypeDescriptor.
  • PropertyGridControl - Can't open a dropdown on the first click when ShowButtonMode = ShowAlways.
  • RepositoryItemLookUpEdit - A display value is lost when another cell is focused if an underlying data source is XPCollection.
  • SearchLookUpEdit Repository does not display a value.
  • VGridControl - Support the DataAnnotation GroupName attribute.
  • VGridControl - The Browsable attribute isn't taken into account.
  • VGridControl - The resize cursor is shown at an incorrect place when multi-editor rows are used.
  • VGridControl - Two clicks are required to open the editor's drop down when ShowButtonMode is ShowAlways.
  • XtraVerticalGrid - The selection process is not properly terminated when the control loses focus.