DevExpress WinForms 16.2.6 released

Released: Mar 29, 2017

Actualizaciones en 16.2.6


All WinForms Controls

  • Skin - Upgrading old skins doesn't update skin elements for high DPI.
  • TransitionManager - Constructor that supports System.ComponentModel.IContainer is missing.

Data Access Library

  • ObjectDataSource - It is impossible to bind to a property of the DataTable type.
  • The Report designer's form flickers after SqlDataSource's "Connection Editor" form is closed.

MVVM Framework

  • An exception is thrown in the DocumentsViewModel.OnClose method.
  • Scaffolding Wizard hangs on finishing when Hybrid UI is being created.

PDF Viewer

  • Page Setup Dialog - A default icon is shown in the taskbar.

Project Templates

  • Code generated by the Custom Data Editor and Custom Data Grid templates contains compilation errors.


  • An empty paragraph added before a table that is inserted as the SNText field's value is not hidden.
  • RichEditControl behaves differently in comparison with MS Word when editing hyperlinks with space symbols.

XtraBars Suite

  • A flyout is shown behind a parent form if the latter is topmost.
  • AccordionControl - Context buttons are not visible if an AccordionControlItem is hot tracked.
  • AccordionControl - The AccordionCheckContextButton image is not changed if the button is checked/unchecked.
  • AccordionControl - The ContextItemClickEventArgs class does not have information about which element's context button was clicked.
  • AccordionSearchControl - Re-read the localization string for the NullValuePrompt property value after switching cultures.
  • AdornerUIManager - NullReferenceException is thrown when setting the Badge.TargetElement property to TabFormControl.
  • AdornerUIManager - System.InvalidOperationException is thrown when parent forms are created in different threads.
  • BarHeaderItem - Text is truncated when using the ItemAppearance.FontSizeDelta property on BarHeaderItem placed inside PopupMenu.
  • BarItems' icons are aligned incorrectly in case the item's font is increased.
  • DiagramControl doesn't recalculate its size when the Toolbox panel is hidden/displayed and the Properties panel is in auto-hide mode.
  • DocumentManager - Standard controls cannot be scrolled by using touch gestures once they are shown within tabbed documents.
  • GalleryDropDown - Items are differently aligned in versions 16.1 and 16.2 when the same alignment settings are applied.
  • PopupMenu - Items are drawn incorrectly when the ShowCaption and Ribbon.AllowHtmlText properties are set to True.
  • RecentItemControl - NullReferenceException is thrown on removing an item from RecentStackPanel in its ItemClick event.
  • RibbonControl - A read-only BarEditItem is drawn with a gray background only when it is hovered with the mouse.
  • RibbonControl - It is not possible to show Page Group captions in the OfficeUniversal style.
  • RibbonControl - PopupMenu items are overlapped by separators.
  • RibbonControl - The "Object is currently in use elsewhere" exception is thrown when using multiple threads.
  • RibbonGalleryBarItem - Item text is not visible.
  • WindowsUIView - Incorrect results when searching documents via SearchPanel by SearchTags.
  • WorkspaceManager - WidgetView's layouts saved in previous versions aren't restored.
  • XtraToolboxControl - Implement the capability to interrupt the drag-and-drop operation.

XtraCharts Suite

  • RangeControl - The SelectedRange.Maximum value is nothing when a series contains an even number of points.
  • Line Series is rendered as a dashed line in certain situations.
  • Step Line - A bottom line element is not displayed correctly in certain situations.
  • Step Line is rendered with artifacts if the line thickness is set to 2 pixels.
  • The OverflowException is raised if the Logarithmic scale is used after zooming or series hiding.


  • DiagramControl throws InvalidOperationException when DataBindingController is repopulated after double-clicking an item.
  • The SaveAs method is called instead of Save when a form with an attached DiagramControl is closed and DiagramControl contains unsaved changes.

XtraEditors Library

  • A CheckButton doesn't change its background in case the CheckButton's state is pressed.
  • A control is not disposed of if it is located within XtraForm.
  • CalendarControl - Clicking a month in YearView does not update the control.
  • CalendarControl - Empty months are displayed if they don't fit the MinValue - MaxValue range.
  • Editors - DefaultErrorIcon is not scaled on high DPI screens.
  • GridControl - Search is not performed when the GridControl contains a column whose FieldName is set to a field that doesn't exist in the underlying data source.
  • ImageComboBoxEdit - The selected value is shown when the UseSystemPasswordChar option is enabled.
  • LabelControl - A single line is not entirely shown when AutoSize is disabled.
  • Persistence behavior - A form is not shown on the main screen if its parent screen is turned off.
  • PersistenceBehavior - If the Control.Anchor property is set for a child control, the latter is not re-sized according to the saved form size when the form is shown.
  • SearchLookUpEdit bound to an asynchronous server mode data source shows an empty string after scrolling a value.
  • SimpleButton doesn't use an unskinned UltraFlat style if the LookAndFeel.Style property is set to UltraFlat.
  • SimpleButton: Office2003 Style - The border isn't painted on hovering over the button when Appearance.BackColor is specified.
  • The SelectedRanges.Contains method incorrectly returns true for the SelectedRanges.End property value.
  • TokenEdit - Incorrect cursor position.
  • TokenEdit - Incorrect popup window position after filtering.
  • XtraForm's border is transparent on Windows 10 when Office 2016 skins are used and FormBorderEffect is set to Shadow.
  • XtraInputBox - The Cancel button causes validation.
  • XtraMessageBox - The Close button isn't drawn disabled in case YesNo or AbortRetryIgnore buttons are used.

XtraGauges Suite

  • Existing GaugeControl names are reset after adding a new gauge in design mode.

XtraGrid Suite

  • Data-Aware export - Carriage return symbols are truncated from column captions during export.
  • DXErrorProvider - ValidationRule.ErrorText appears only after the second validation when the component is used in a custom EditForm.
  • Export to Excel - The CustomizeCell event is not fired for footer cells without summary items.
  • Grid - Sample rows aren't visible at design time.
  • Grid - Support the AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow property for printing.
  • Grid - Tab headers' text in the Excel style filter popup is shifted down in McSkin.
  • GridControl - Animated images are not disposed of in the Animator class.
  • GridControl - Conditional formatting rules are incorrectly exported when one of these rules is not valid.
  • GridControl - Custom summaries are not exported to Excel when Data Aware export is used.
  • GridControl - High CPU usage when RepositoryItemProgressBar and a background image are used.
  • GridControl - InvalidCastException occurs when a format rule is applied to an integer DataColumn that contains the "DBNull.Value" value causing painting problems in debug mode.
  • GridControl - When clearing a numeric value, an empty string is not replaced with DBNull.Value in Edit Form Mode.
  • GridControl - Wrong conditional format icons are shown for zero cell values in Excel.
  • GridControl jams when trying to focus a record and the NewItemRowPosition property is set to Top.
  • GridView - The Excel filter popup cuts off its content on Win7 machines in case the system's font size is enlarged.
  • LayoutView - NullReferenceException is thrown when the FormatConditionRuleDataBar is used on Tablets.
  • XtraGrid - Certain conditional formating rules are not restored on restoring a layout.
  • XtraGridControl - The Glyph Skinning feature does not work for an in-place ButtonEdit.

XtraLayout Suite

  • DataLayoutControl - Text is not taken from resourses for boolean fields when it's marked with the Display DataAnnotation attribute.
  • Draw the underline for the LayoutItem caption based on the AppearanceItemCaption.TextOptions.HotkeyPrefix property.
  • LayoutControl - A screen reader does not recognize a tab header when it is clicked within TabbedControlGroup.


  • FormatException is raised when the same cache file is used by several applications.
  • MapControl - The SelectionChanged event is not raised when the selected cluster becomes unselected due to zooming.
  • MapOverlayTextItem doesn't show text when text ends with the space character (' ').
  • ObjectDisposedException is raised if disk caching is enabled.


  • NavBarControl - The ExpandedWidth property should be serialized.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • Data Aware Export - The Column Group Values are not displayed if Field Headers are exported.
  • PivotGrid exports column groups' header with an incorrect layout if a row has been added to the exported document in the CustomizeSheetHeader event handler.

XtraReports Suite

  • A subreport enlarges a report's band height when placed side by side with the other controls in the band after upgrading to 16.2.
  • ArgumentNullException is thrown when XtraReport is exported to PDF with options.PasswordSecurityOptions.OpenPassword set to Nothing (null).
  • DocumentPreview - PrintDocument rendering speed depends on the current default printer.
  • ObjectDataSource wizard - Empty parameter names are added to the parameter's expression.
  • ObjectDisposeException occurs when the RepositoryItemPopupContainerEdit control is used as a custom editor in the Print Preview.
  • Pasting the XtraReport content to a RichEdit or MS Word document changes the page format.
  • Provide a way to define the number of snap grid steps (i.e., the number of smaller grid cells in every larger cell).
  • Report Designer - Inherited bands show incorrect icons on the report surface.
  • Report Designer uses BackColor of the GroupPanelNoBorder skin element, which leads to inconsistently in certain skins.
  • RepositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit in the report preview loses focus during editing.
  • RTF Export - The produced file is corrupted.
  • Scripting - A reference of the ScriptingReport assembly isn't bound to the latest built assembly.
  • The GroupHeaderBand.SortingSummaryRowChanged event of a certain GroupHeaderBand is raised for each existing sorting summary.
  • XRRichText - When a page break occurs at the first line of text, this text is cut across two document pages.
  • XtraReport - XML style sheets are not loaded properly (Paddings and TextAlignment are missing).


  • A table with the Center alignment is incorrectly positioned if it was copied from and then pasted to RichEditControl's document.
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - An exported Word document is corrupted if a CSS file with the rule that defines a margin for the "body" element is added to the CssFiles collection.
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - Some content is missing in a document exported to PDF.
  • Certain words are not properly aligned in specific text.
  • Changes in RepositoryItemRichTextEdit are not correctly reverted.
  • Character properties are calculated incorrectly when a style is applied to a document text along with an implicit specifying the text formatting.
  • End-user input is not disabled when a document caret is located within document frames.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown after removing a single cell in a row.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in the CalculateCellWidths method on loading a specific HTML file.
  • RichEditControl uses a default font with the 12 font height if the default font is not declared in a file.
  • Showing the "Paragraph->Tabs" form marks a RichEditControl document as modified.
  • System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs on loading a specific Html document containing tables if RichEditControl's active view is Page Layout View.
  • The "Current Page" mode operates incorrectly in the RichEditControl Print Dialog.
  • The "gridSpan" parameter of table cells is incorrectly read on loading a specific DOCX document.
  • The CalculateDocumentVariableEventArgs.KeepLastParagraph option doesn't work properly when variables are calculated after the document was merged to the RichEdit instance.
  • The Find&Replace dialog shows a message with an incorrect replacements number when a document is protected and several found occurrences are located in the protected range.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • Appointments are not rendered in SchedulerControl when the Resources data source is reloaded in the FetchAppointments event handler.
  • InvalidOperationException sporadically occurs on an attempt to create a dependency between two appointments.
  • ResourcesTree nodes are not synchronized with SchedulerControl visible resources when resources are filtered using the FilterResource event handler.
  • SchedulerStorage.GetAppointments method returns an empty collection while loading appointments from XML.
  • The "Object is currently in use elsewhere" exception is raised occasionally.
  • The OriginalOccurrenceDateHelper.Update method does not populate the Appointment.OriginalOccurrenceStart and Appointment.OriginalOccurrenceEnd properties of changed and deleted occurrences.
  • The SchedulerAnimationManager tracks SchedulerControl's state even if animation is disabled in the control.


  • A line break is incorrectly appended to Clipboard data when a cell text is copied from Formula Bar.
  • Add a capability to import only formula values from XLS/XLSX files without formulas itself.
  • ArgumentException is thrown while printing a specific document.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during scrolling a specific worksheet with comments.
  • Axis labels are processed incorrectly on saving a document.
  • DateTime labels of the X axis are formatted incorrectly when a chart is rendered in SpreadsheetControl.
  • If the Print Titles option is applied, long text in cells or long merged cells are not printed starting from the second page.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException is raised while copying/pasting cell content using the Range.CopyFrom method.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException is raised while loading a specific XLS document.
  • Inserting/removing rows/columns is slow if the affected cell range contains many references to the same cell.
  • It is impossible to clear cell formatting if that formatting was applied to a column or row.
  • NullReferenceException is raised while exporting a specific XLSX document with merged cells to HTML format.
  • Spreadsheet - The printing preview processes some symbols ( }, ], ), ! ) as a separator in a cell with word wrapping enabled.
  • SpreadsheetControl stops repainting its content after adding a mail-merge data source.
  • The "An internal error occurred" exception is thrown after opening the "Format Cell" dialog if the current culture settings are changed after a form with SpreadsheetControl is initialized.
  • The Merge/Unmerge commands have low performance.
  • The modified comment content is not saved to the document if the Save button is clicked immediately after modifying this comment.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • The XtraTreeList control uses incorrect repository items in the auto filter row.
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException is thrown when a custom behavior is attached to TreeList and it is disposed of.
  • TreeList - The vertical scrollbar is not scrolled to the bottom if the CalcNodeHeight event is used.
  • TreeList Background Color is getting darker on dragging a TreeList node.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • NullReferenceException occurs in PropertyGridControl once a dialog is shown in the ShowingEditor event handler.
  • PropertyGridControl - Applying the PasswordPropertyText attribute to a few properties causes showing password characters in all the rows.
  • PropertyGridControl - Cannot edit an expandable object.
  • VGridControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when calling the VGridControl.GetSelectedCells method and all the cells are selected.
  • VGridControl - A validation error is removed if another record is focused by a mouse click.
  • VGridControl - Rows from the last category are truncated after scrolling.
  • VGridControl - The FixedLine appearance controls the SeletedCell appearance.
  • VGridControl used in DataLayoutControl doesn't display a newly added row.