Precios de EntityDAC

Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para EntityDAC, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Devart.

A continuación, nuestros precios ordinarios. Le rogamos que inicie sesión para ver sus precios con descuento.

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EntityDAC V3.3.x - New Perpetual Licenses - Standard

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623209Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533847

Licencias y Entrega $ 146.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623210Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533849

Licencias y Entrega $ 372.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623211Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533851

Licencias y Entrega $ 666.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878937Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533874

Licencias y Entrega $ 215.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878941Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533875

Licencias y Entrega $ 538.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878945Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533876

Licencias y Entrega $ 950.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878939Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533877

Licencias y Entrega $ 264.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878943Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533878

Licencias y Entrega $ 676.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878947Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533879

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,205.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

EntityDAC V3.3.x - New Perpetual Licenses - Professional

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623212Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533853

Licencias y Entrega $ 293.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License Upgrade from Standard (same version) - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660733Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533880

Licencias y Entrega $ 146.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623213Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533855

Licencias y Entrega $ 734.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License Upgrade from Standard (same version) - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660734Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533881

Licencias y Entrega $ 372.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623214Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533857

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,322.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License Upgrade from Standard (same version) - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660735Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533882

Licencias y Entrega $ 666.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878949Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533883

Licencias y Entrega $ 421.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878953Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533884

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,048.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878957Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533885

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,891.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878951Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533886

Licencias y Entrega $ 529.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878955Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533887

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,322.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878959Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533888

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,381.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

EntityDAC V3.3.x - New Perpetual Licenses - Professional with Source code

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623215Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533859

Licencias y Entrega $ 489.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License Upgrade from Professional (same version) - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660736Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533889

Licencias y Entrega $ 97.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623216Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533861

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,224.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License Upgrade from Professional (same version) - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660737Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533890

Licencias y Entrega $ 244.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 1 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300623217Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533863

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,204.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License Upgrade from Professional (same version) - Retains Existing Subscription Expiry Date

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660738Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533891

Licencias y Entrega $ 440.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878961Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533892

Licencias y Entrega $ 705.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878965Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533893

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,754.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 2 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878969Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533894

Licencias y Entrega $ 3,145.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878963Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533895

Licencias y Entrega $ 881.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878967Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533896

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,204.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Every licensed developer is entitled to install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used only by them for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License - with 3 Year Subscription

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878971Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533897

Licencias y Entrega $ 3,968.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Site License can be used by an unlimited number of developers within a single company at one physical address. You can install and use the product on one or more computers, provided it is used for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

After successfully placing your order, a License Number and Devart Subscription account will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

EntityDAC V3.3.x - Subscription Renewals - Standard

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660716Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533865

Licencias y Entrega $ 78.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660717Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533866

Licencias y Entrega $ 186.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660718Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533867

Licencias y Entrega $ 333.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878938Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533898

Licencias y Entrega $ 146.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878942Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533899

Licencias y Entrega $ 362.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878946Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533900

Licencias y Entrega $ 636.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878940Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533901

Licencias y Entrega $ 205.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878944Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533902

Licencias y Entrega $ 509.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878948Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533903

Licencias y Entrega $ 901.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

EntityDAC V3.3.x - Subscription Renewals - Professional

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660727Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533868

Licencias y Entrega $ 146.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660728Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533869

Licencias y Entrega $ 372.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660729Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533870

Licencias y Entrega $ 666.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878950Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533904

Licencias y Entrega $ 284.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878954Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533905

Licencias y Entrega $ 705.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878958Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533906

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,264.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878952Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533907

Licencias y Entrega $ 401.75 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878956Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533908

Licencias y Entrega $ 999.55 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878960Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533909

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,793.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

EntityDAC V3.3.x - Subscription Renewals - Professional with Source code

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660730Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533871

Licencias y Entrega $ 244.95 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660731Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533872

Licencias y Entrega $ 617.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300660732Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533873

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,107.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 1 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878962Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533910

Licencias y Entrega $ 470.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878966Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533911

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,166.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878970Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533912

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,097.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 2 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878964Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533913

Licencias y Entrega $ 666.35 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Developer License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878968Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533914

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,656.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

4 Developer Team License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Renewal - up to 3 Months after Expiry

Referencia Fabricante #: 300878972Nuestra Referencia #: CS-550944-1533915

Licencias y Entrega $ 2,979.15 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your support and access to any product upgrades and releases.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, your Devart Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the Devart web site.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Devart License Number, Account Details and Expiry Date

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - between 3 and 12 Months after Expiry

  Llame para precio

1 Site License 3 Year Subscription Late Renewal - 12 Months or more after Expiry

  Llame para precio

EntityDAC V3.3.x

Enterprise License - Special conditions and flexible pricing for Enterprises

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Licenciamiento de EntityDAC

Single Developer License: install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by 1 (one) developer for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Team Developer License: install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by up to 4 (four) developers within a single company at one physical address for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Site License: Install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by developers in a single company at one physical address for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with the EULA.

Licensed developers may also deploy the product’s run-time assemblies with their applications, royalty free, in accordance with the EULA.

Standard Edition is a cost-effective solution for developers looking for a high-performance and feature-rich ORM for Delphi.

Professional Edition extends Standard Edition with several important design-time features and data-aware components.

You can get Source Access of all the component classes in EntityDAC by purchasing the special EntityDAC Professional Edition with Source Code.

The Subscription Program is an annual maintenance and support service. Users with a valid Subscription get the following benefits:

  • Access to new versions when they are released
  • Access to all updates and bug fixes
  • Product support through the Priority Support program
  • Notification of new product versions

Contratos de licencia

58.64 KB
Septiembre 13, 2024