Infragistics Ignite UI for Angular 13.0.0

Released: Nov 23, 2021

Actualizaciones en 13.0.0


Added full support for Angular 13.

  • Added IgxStepper component - A highly customizable component that visualizes content as a process and shows its progress by dividing the content into chronological steps. The API has been exposed to control features like step validation, styling, orientation and easy-to-use keyboard navigation.
  • IgxFocusTrap directive - Added IgxFocusTrap directive which traps the Tab key focus within an element.
  • Added IgxSimpleComboComponent - A modification of the igx-combo component that allows single selection and has the appropriate UI and behavior. It inherits most of the igx-combo's API.
    • Allows the selection of single items in a filterable list.
    • Supports custom values, keyboard navigation, validation and customized positioning of the item list via overlay settings.
  • IgxCsvExporterService and IgxExcelExporterService - Exporter services are no longer required to be provided in the application since they are now injected on a root level.
  • IgxGridToolbarPinningComponent and IgxGridToolbarHidingComponent - Exposed new input buttonText which sets the text that is displayed inside the dropdown button in the toolbar.
  • IgxCombo - Added groupSortingDirection input which allows you to set groups sorting order.
  • IgxGrid, IgxTreeGrid and IgxHierarchicalGrid - Added new directives for re-templating header sorting indicators: IgxSortHeaderIconDirective, IgxSortAscendingHeaderIconDirective and IgxSortDescendingHeaderIconDirective.
  • IgxGrid - Exposed a groupStrategy input that functions similarly to sortStrategy, allowing customization of the grouping behavior of the grid.
  • IgxDialog - Added focusTrap input to set whether the Tab key focus is trapped within the dialog when opened. Defaults to true.


  • (Breaking Change) Discontinued Microsoft Internet Explorer support.
    • web-animations-js has been removed as Peer Dependency.
    • Removed Internet Explorer from .browserslistrc
    • Removed Internet Explorer related polyfills, like Importing ES7 polyfill for Object ('core-js/es7/object') for Internet Explorer is no longer used.
  • IgxDialog - (Breaking Change) The default positionSettings open/close animation has been changed to fadeIn/fadeOut. The open/close animation can be set through the position settings, e.g. change the animation to the previously default open/close animation.
  • igxGrid, igxHierarchicalGrid and igxTreeGrid:
    • (Breaking Change) The following deprecated inputs have been removed:
      • Inputs showToolbar.
      • toolbarTitle.
      • columnHiding.
      • columnHidingTitle.
      • hiddenColumnsText.
      • columnPinning.
      • columnPinningTitle.
      • pinnedColumnsText.
        • Use IgxGridToolbarComponent, IgxGridToolbarHidingComponent and IgxGridToolbarPinningComponent instead.
    • (Breaking Change) The rowSelected event has been renamed to rowSelectionChanging to better reflect its function.
    • (Breaking Change) The columnSelected event has been renamed to columnSelectionChanging to better reflect its function.
    • (Breaking Change) columnsCollection has been removed. Use columns instead. If columns return empty array, query the columns using ViewChildren and access those in ngAfterViewInit.
  • IgxColumnActionsComponent - (Breaking Change) Input columns has been removed. Use igxGrid columns input instead.
  • IgxCarousel - (Breaking Change) The carousel animation type CarouselAnimationType has been renamed to HorizontalAnimationType.
  • Theming - (Breaking Change) Changed CSS palette variables from HEX values to a list of H, S, L comma-separated values, which requires the use of the CSS hsl function when accessing these values directly.