IntelliJ IDEA 12 adds Android UI Designer

Released: Dec 14, 2012

Updates in this release

Updates in V12

  • New Compiler - Brings enhanced performance and better user experience through faster incremental builds and lower memory requirements.
  • Fresh Look and Feel - IntelliJ IDEA 12 comes with a fresh look and feel and Darcula, a new dark UI theme for the IDE and the editor.
  • Java 8 - Full IDE support with code assistance, lambda expressions, method references and default methods.
  • Spring Ultimate - Performance enhancements and code assistance for more Spring frameworks such as Web Flow, Integration, MVC, Security and Batch.
  • Play 2.0 Ultimate - Support for Play 2.0 added, with advanced code assistance, templates support, formatter and several refactorings.
  • Better Performance - Faster project indexing and better responsiveness.
  • Android UI Designer - A full-featured UI Designer is available for building advanced layouts for Android mobile devices.