Precios de Layer2 Business Data List Connector

Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para Layer2 Business Data List Connector, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Layer2.

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Todas las Licencias (3)
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Layer2 Business Data List Connector V10.1.x

1 Server License

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-534307-1437855

Licencias y Entrega $ 1,459.22 Añadir a la Cesta

One license is required per server.

After successfully placing your order, you will be contacted and asked for your Server Name. A license key file will then be created, based on your Server Name, and sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Layer2 Business Data List Connector License Key and Download link

1 Annual Software Assurance

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-534307-1437857

Licencias y Entrega $ 293.02 Añadir a la Cesta

Software Assurance (SA) includes minor and major releases for one year.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After successfully placing your order, confirmation of your Software Assurance and new expiry date will be sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Software Assurance details and new expiry date

1 Annual Software Assurance Renewal

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-534307-1437854

Licencias y Entrega $ 293.02 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your Software Assurance (SA) (minor and major updates) for a further year.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, confirmation of your Software Assurance renewal and new expiry date will be sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Software Assurance new expiry date

Licenciamiento de Layer2 Business Data List Connector

The Layer2 Business Data List Connector is licensed on a per SharePoint server basis. That means:

  • A license is required for every SharePoint server.
  • There are no additional user CALs required.
  • All web frontend servers (WFE) have to be licensed.
  • No license is required for SharePoint infrastructure servers, e.g. for index, SQL or search server.
  • Application servers (APP) have to be licensed in case of SharePoint timer jobs are used, e.g. for using BDLC background update.
  • The CA server (if any) has to be licensed in many cases, because it's a WFE by default (it renders the CA). In some cases timer jobs are also executed there (depending on configuration).

Software Assurance (SA) includes maintenance minor and major updates for one year.

Customer Support

  • With purchased product licenses you benefit from free email-based customer support regarding all questions and issues directly related to Layer2 products.
  • Layer2 support does not include in-depth assistance with architecture, coding, debugging, or configuring your specific application or server.

Contratos de licencia