MailBee.NET Address Validator Licensing

Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para MailBee.NET Address Validator, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Afterlogic.

One software license is required per developer.
Run-time royalty free.

Purchasing any product of AfterLogic entitles you to 1 year of free maintenance of that product since the moment of purchase. The maintenance includes all major and minor updates released for that product during the year and the standard technical support.
The maintenance period can be prolonged on annual basis.

Extended Support
Entitles you to high-priority helpdesk and e-mail support and extended trouble-shooting assistance for 1 year.
If combined with "2nd year maintenance", Extended Support for 2nd year is free.

Contratos de licencia

152.33 KB
Septiembre 11, 2020