Precios de MailBee.NET AntiSpam

Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para MailBee.NET AntiSpam, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Afterlogic.

A continuación, nuestros precios ordinarios. Le rogamos que inicie sesión para ver sus precios con descuento.

Todas las Licencias (8)
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MailBee.NET AntiSpam v12.5

1 Developer License (Includes 1 Year Maintenance and Support)

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192747

Licencias y Entrega $ 195.02 Añadir a la Cesta

The component can be used by a single developer. Royalty-free distribution. Includes 1 year standard support and updates.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Download instructions and serial number for MailBeeNetAntiSpam

4 Developer Team License (Includes 1 Year Maintenance and Support)

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192749

Licencias y Entrega $ 391.02 Añadir a la Cesta

The component can be used by up to 4 developers. Royalty-free distribution. You obtain one year of free standard support and updates.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Download instructions and serial number for MailBeeNetAntiSpam Team

1 Site Wide License (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address) (Includes 1 Year Maintenance and Support)

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192751

Licencias y Entrega $ 979.02 Añadir a la Cesta

The component can be used by any number of developers at one site (facility or campus). Includes 1 year standard support and updates.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Download instructions and serial number for MailBeeNetAntiSpam Site

MailBee.NET AntiSpam Maintenance Renewal

1 Developer 1 Year Maintenance and Standard Support Renewal

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192753

Licencias y Entrega $ 97.51 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your Maintenance of standard support and updates for an additional 1 Year.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Download instructions and serial number for MailBeeNetAntiSpam Renewal

4 Developer Team 1 Year Maintenance and Standard Support Renewal

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192755

Licencias y Entrega $ 195.51 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your Maintenance of standard support and updates for an additional 1 Year.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Download instructions and serial number for MailBeeNetAntiSpam Team Renewal

1 Site Wide 1 Year Maintenance and Standard Support Renewal

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192757

Licencias y Entrega $ 489.51 Añadir a la Cesta

Extends your Maintenance of standard support and updates for an additional 1 Year.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Download instructions and serial number for MailBeeNetAntiSpam Site Renewal

MailBee.NET AntiSpam Extended Support

Extended Support License (High-priority helpdesk and e-mail support and extended trouble-shooting assistance for 1 year.)

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192759

Licencias y Entrega $ 97.02 Añadir a la Cesta

Entitles you to high-priority helpdesk and e-mail support and extended trouble-shooting assistance for 1 year.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to download the software immediately.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Confirmation of MailBee.NET AntiSpam Extended Support

Extended Support License Renewal (High-priority helpdesk and e-mail support and extended trouble-shooting assistance for 1 year.)

Nuestra Referencia #: CS-533246-1192745

Licencias y Entrega $ 97.02 Añadir a la Cesta

Entitles you to high-priority helpdesk and e-mail support and extended trouble-shooting assistance for 1 year.

Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado.

After verification, you will receive confirmation your support period has been extended along with your new renewal date, delivered by email, usually within 1 business day.

Entrega a través de e-mail:
  • Confirmation of MailBee.NET AntiSpam Extended Support Renewal

Licenciamiento de MailBee.NET AntiSpam

One software license is required per developer.
Run-time royalty free.

Purchasing any product of AfterLogic entitles you to 1 year of free maintenance of that product since the moment of purchase. The maintenance includes all major and minor updates released for that product during the year and the standard technical support.
The maintenance period can be prolonged on annual basis.

Extended Support
Entitles you to high-priority helpdesk and e-mail support and extended trouble-shooting assistance for 1 year.
If combined with "2nd year maintenance", Extended Support for 2nd year is free.

Contratos de licencia

152.33 KB
Septiembre 11, 2020