Oxygen XML Editor Enterprise V25.1 Build ID: 2023042509

Released: Apr 26, 2023

Actualizaciones en V25.1 Build ID: 2023042509


  • DITA Publishing: When publishing DITA XML content from Oxygen using the "fix.external.refs.com.oxygenxml" parameter, the created output folder structure now follows the input DITA Map's folder structure more closely.
  • DITA Publishing: DITA References are now grouped together with Concepts, Topics and Tasks in the Related Information section, when the args.rellinks.group.mode parameter is set to single-group.


  • API: Fixed an issue where the method that creates a process named WorkspaceUtilities.createProcess did not properly delegate system error and output events to process listeners.
  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where relative file paths passed as arguments to the scripts that are ran from the Oxygen distribution for all platforms were interpreted as relative to the Oxygen folder, not to the folder where the scripts were run.
  • WebHelp Responsive/Publication TOC references: Fixed an issue where topic links from the publication's table of contents or menu were always opened in a new tab, even if the "scope" attribute was set to "external".
  • WebHelp Responsive: Removed inline <script> elements from all WebHelp pages.
  • WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where the Oxygen Feedback Comments component was not loaded on the WebHelp pages.
  • WebHelp Responsive/Image Map: Fixed an issue where areas were not positioned correctly on published <imagemap> elements.