Acerca de ArtfulBits Password Change Web Part

Permita a los usuarios cambiar contraseñas de SharePoint.

Password Change Web Part allows users to change their passwords from within SharePoint using a standard text box interface. It supports Windows authentication and supports Active Directory (AD), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), SQL and other authentication providers. Users can enter their current password, enter a new password, confirm it and save the changes. If current password is incorrect or the new password does not meet the password policy an error message is displayed. When the password has been successfully changed the Web part displays a message and an email confirmation is sent.

Password Change Web Part Features

  • Change passwords without administrator intervention.
  • Supports Windows and form based authentications.
  • Supports AD, LDAP, SQL and other membership providers.
  • Supports Windows local users.   
  • Customizable email notification.
  • Warns users if the password change failed or does not meet the password policy.
  • Customizable Password Policy description.
  • Change Password action added in user personal menu.
  • Language pack support.