PowerShell HelpWriter

PowerShell HelpWriter is a premier editor for Windows PowerShell XML help files. Create and edit help files for all command types, including cmdlets, functions, workflows, and CIM commands. Focus on your content and let PowerShell HelpWriter worry about the XML. PowerShell HelpWriter analyzes your module and generates starter help files that match the cmdlet code and converts existing comment-based help. Exports your PowerShell help to HTML or markdown at the press of a button. Write help for a module before the code is written as a code specification. Once the help is written, use PowerShell Studio’s New Module from Help File feature to automatically generate the module’s code.

  • Generate help files for modules.
  • Create and edit about topics.
  • Create and design module help from scratch.
  • Fully-featured editor helps you write accurate and complete help topics.
  • Edit help files using the designer or directly using the XML editor.
  • Supports all command types: cmdlets, functions, workflows, CIM commands.
  • Converts comment-based help to PSMAML files.
  • Generates starter help for any command or all commands in a module.
  • Export help to Markdown or HTML.
  • Refresh the content to reflect...

Últimas novedades

PowerShell HelpWriter 2023 (3.0.59)
PowerShell HelpWriter 2023 (3.0.59)
April 24, 2023Nueva versión
Agrega compatibilidad con Microsoft PowerShell 7.3.4.
PowerShell HelpWriter 2023
PowerShell HelpWriter 2023
January 12, 2023Nueva versión
Mejora la compatibilidad con PowerShell 7 y agrega PowerShell Version Selector.
PowerShell HelpWriter 2021 (2.3.49)
PowerShell HelpWriter 2021 (2.3.49)
January 18, 2021Nueva versión
Añade el nuevo menú Archivo y el nuevo tema negro de Office 2019.
PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.45)
PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.45)
October 11, 2019Nueva versión
Añade una actualización al tiempo de ejecución de Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.43)
PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.43)
February 11, 2019Nuevo producto
Los paneles de salida ahora resaltan las pestañas acopladas cuando hay nueva salida; además, se ha añadido al editor una opción para ajuste de líneas.
PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.42)
PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.42)
December 4, 2018Nueva versión
Añade Script Security Center para gestionar la directiva de ejecución.

Precios desde: $ 65.66

One software license is required per user. One year of product maintenance and SAPIEN Product Support included. Maintenance can be renewed each year thereafter, to continue receiving updates to minor...

PowerShell HelpWriter también está disponible en:

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SAPIEN Technologies
Como distribuidores oficiales y autorizados, ComponentSource le suministra licencias legítimas directamente de SAPIEN Technologies.
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows Server 2025
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows 10

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