Licenciamiento de Silent Install Builder

Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para Silent Install Builder, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de AprelTech.

One software license is required per user.
Each license includes Annual Maintenance which provides product updates and technical support for 1 year.

There are 2 types of licenses.

  • Single User license. A license is purchased for each user (admin) who will use the Silent Install Builder.
  • Enterprise license. It allows use of the Silent Install Builder for an unlimited number of users within a single Enterprise.

A customer with 1 system/network administrator to 5 end user machines will require: 1 Single User license.

A customer with 6 system / network administrators providing IT services for 10 different enterprises, will require: 6 Single User licenses or 1 Enterprise license.

Packages created by the Silent Install Builder can be distributed without restrictions within a single Enterprise.

Annual Maintenance can be renewed each year to continue to received product updates and support. If you do not renew you may continue to use the software however you will no longer be entitled to product updates or support.

Contratos de licencia