Acerca de Xceed DataGrid for WPF

Muestre y edite datos en diseños 2D o 3D.

Xceed DataGrid for WPF is a grid control that in addition to traditional table and card views allows you to present and edit data in 3D layouts. Features include: rich in-place editing; grouping with UI virtualization; production-quality views (table and card), built-in data validation. It also includes a WPF date picker and a calendar control. Xceed DataGrid for WPF offers compatibility with bound and unbound data sources, a  flexible object model and is fully extensible with reusable parts.

Xceed DataGrid for WPF Features

Rich in-place editing

  • Features rich in-place editing that works in all views. See Included editor controls below.
  • Auto-detection of ComboBox columns (enums, foreign keys).
  • Updates source when the cell or row exits edit mode or immediately when the cell content changes.
  • Combo boxes can easily be used as cell editors without the need to write code to fill the combo box thanks to auto- detection of ComboBox columns (enums, foreign keys).

Hierarchical master/detail

  • Lets users see their data in a master-detail hierarchy.
  • The single-scrollbar approach used in detail grids provides a more professional, integrated master/detail experience than the awkward scrollbar-within-scrollbar approach used by competing datagrids.
  • Each datarow in the main grid or in a detail can have an unlimited number of details attached to it.
  • Details can have “sibling” or “child” details, or both.

Data grouping

  • Supports hierarchical, multi-level grouping in all views.
  • Customizable group-level configurations with header and footer support.
  • Supports custom grouping criteria, to allow your code to group together rows with your own conditions.
  • Interactive, hierarchical “Group-by” row allows end-users to easily create and manipulate groups themselves. Adapted for all included views.

Views and themes

  • Presents data and lets users edit it in a variety of 2D and 3D views and themes. Can switch between 2D and 3D views in real-time while preserving state.
  • Traditional 2D table view with standard scrolling and no animation, as typically seen in datagrids.
  • Technically advanced Tableflow 2D view provides zero-lag data virtualization, inertial smooth scrolling, sticky headers, and animated user actions such as full-column reordering. Feels modern and fast.
  • Stunning, interactive Cardflow 3D view, with multiple card layouts.

Tableflow 2D view

  • Fast animated smooth scrolling (with inertia) for impressive UI performance.
  • Works together with data virtualization for great perceived responsiveness.
  • Sticky group headers (group headers are always visible, and bump previous ones away in a smooth fashion).
  • Sticky master-detail master row and headers.

Cardflow 3D view

  • Smooth animation and stunning look with reflections.
  • Multiple card layouts and transitions.
  • Cards animate from one layout to another.

2D card view

  • Defaults to cards stacked into columns, with horizontal scrolling.
  • Two types of card view styles are included: compact card view (borderless cards with column separator lines) and standard card view (cards with borders, but no separator lines).
  • Supports grouping with multiple levels. Group-by row includes built-in list of columns, so end-users can still group by columns and reorder fields even if there are no column headers. Group headers flow within the card list.

Classic 2D table view

  • Column auto-sizing / stretching and starrable column widths.
  • Custom sorting.
  • Fixed columns (UI widget + programmatic control).
  • Context menu column chooser: lets end-users add or remove columns.

Input validation

  • Supports IDataErrorInfo.
  • Supports IEditableObject and error style when IEditableObject’s EndEdit throws an exception when trying to leave edit mode.
  • Includes built-in data validation, at the cell or row level.

Included editor controls

  • All included editor controls are usable either as cell viewers / editors, or independently outside of the grid for a more flexible and uniform interface.
  • CheckBox.
  • AutoSelectTextBox.

Data binding

  • Data virtualization (sometimes called “virtual mode” or “lazy loading”) vastly improves performance and reduces memory usage, especially when working with large data sources, loading data only when it’s needed. Also supports grouping and data sources implementing IQueryable (LINQ).
  • Because it’s asynchronous, the data virtualization implementation decouples the UI from the data source, which keeps the application responsive while data is being retrieved. It also supports caching, pre-emptive data loading, and delayed triggering of events to avoid needless querying during scrolling.

Other features

  • Headers and footers editor control for users.
  • Powerful statistical editor control for users.
  • Powerful search capability with intuitive UI for users.
  • Automatic and manual cell merging/spanning allowing users to easily spot similar or related information.
  • Excel-like drag-to-select multiple rows or cells without holding the shift key.
  • Selected rows can now be drag-and-dropped to another application, e.g. Excel.
  • Ability to sort foreign key columns by the values displayed in its cells rather than by the foreign key value itself.