Affichez des formats d’images et de documents dans vos applications Node.js

Octobre 31, 2023
GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java vous permet de pixelliser des documents en mode natif et de les convertir en SVG, HTML et CSS pour améliorer la qualité de l’affichage des documents, tout en conservant les textes avec une haute fidélité.

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GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to display images and document formats in your web applications without needing to install additional software. It supports a wide range of file formats, including PDF, HTML, XML, Microsoft Word, Visio, Project, metafiles, and images. GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js is also highly customizable, allowing you to display the whole document or render it partially to speed up the process. You can also view single pages, a specific cell range in a spreadsheet, or even render an individual document layer in formats such as, PDF and CAD.

In addition, the GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java API allows you to render documents with/without annotation or comments for supported file formats. It also enables you to add custom font directories and extract basic document information such as file type, extension, name, page count, etc. GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java is compatible with all Java versions and supports popular operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS) that support the Java runtime.

GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java is available to buy in the following products: