Créez des applications de création d’images multiplateformes avec .NET MAUI

Avril 2, 2024
LEADTOOLS v23 propose désormais des assemblys .NET MAUI, rationalisant le développement de la reconnaissance optique de caractères, des codes-barres, des PDF et des visionneuses d’images pour Android, iOS et UWP.

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LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK is a software development toolkit designed for building applications that extract data from images and documents. It empowers developers with features like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for converting scanned documents to text, barcode reading, and form processing. Additionally, it offers functionalities for handling various file formats, image pre-processing, and document viewing, making it a comprehensive solution for automating document workflows in enterprises and organizations.

LEADTOOLS v23 allows developers to build cross-platform apps with advanced features using .NET MAUI. LEADTOOLS .NET Standard libraries seamlessly integrate with the .NET MAUI app model for building Android, iOS, and UWP applications. This simplifies development by providing ready-made components like OCR, barcode recognition, PDF handling, document viewers, and more. LEADTOOLS functionalities include image processing, annotations, compression, and various file formats, all within the familiar .NET MAUI environment.

To see a full list of what's new in v23, see our release notes.

LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK is licensed as Development Licenses, for developers to use the SDKs, and Deployment Licenses, for the right to distribute end user solutions. See our LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK licensing page for full details.

Learn more on our LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK product page.