Laissez vos utilisateurs ajouter des commentaires directement dans les PDF

Septembre 5, 2024
Les annotations par post-it permettent aux utilisateurs de communiquer avec les membres de l’équipe en commentant ou en posant des questions sur des sections spécifiques d’un fichier PDF.

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Sticky note annotations are digital notes that can be attached to specific parts of a document or webpage. They allow users to highlight text, add comments, or ask questions directly on the content they are viewing. This feature is particularly useful for collaboration, as it enables multiple people to contribute to the same document and easily see each other's thoughts and insights. Sticky note annotations can also be used for personal reference, helping users to remember important points or track their progress through a document.

Several ASP.NET Core PDF viewer controls offer support for sticky note annotations including:

  • Document Solutions for PDF by MESCIUS empowers users to add comments and reminders directly on PDFs with digital sticky notes.
  • ImageGear for .NET by Accusoft allows for attaching interactive sticky notes to PDFs, streamlining information sharing and review.
  • Syncfusion ASP.NET Core PDF facilitates in-document annotation using digital sticky notes for collaborative editing and feedback.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our ASP.NET Core PDF viewer controls comparison.

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