LEADTOOLS Medical improves Platform support

V18 adds native libraries for WinRT, iOS, OS X, Android and Linux.
Janvier 31, 2013

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging helps you quickly develop medical EMR and EHR applications. It includes full DICOM communication and security support, medical-related image processing and display, 3D volume reconstruction and high level components for PACS servers, clients and workstations.

The following editions are available:

Updates in V18


  • Extend LEADTOOLS Imaging SDKs to every major development platform including WinRT, iOS, OS X, Android and Linux.
  • All core LEADTOOLS imaging technology is natively supported in each of these platforms, including viewing, annotation and markup, OCR, OMR, forms processing, 1D and 2D barcode, PDF, DICOM and support for 150+ file formats and 200+ image processing functions.

HTML5 Medical Viewer

  • Support for patient projection and orientation.
  • Explode and implode added to JavaScript component.
  • Customize layouts using Row Symmetric and Column Symmetric features.
  • Drag and drop support.
  • Improved reference line support.
  • Optimized stack operations.
  • Compatible with Apache Cordova to run as a native app on iOS and Android.

Desktop Medical Viewer

  • Added support for Patient Projection and Orientation.
  • PET-CT Fusion display.

About LEAD Technologies

LEAD Technologies is a privately held company founded in 1990 by Moe Daher and Rich Little. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, LEAD was established to commercialize Mr. Daher's inventions in the field of digital imaging and compression technology. With a rich history of over twenty years, LEAD has established itself as the world's leading provider of digital imaging software development toolkits.

View medical images using LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDK.


Développer des applications puissantes d'imagerie médicale et de réseau d'images.

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