DevExpress VCL Subscription 15.2.6 released

Adds new features to Spreadsheet and Editor controls.
Mai 26, 2016

DevExpress VCL Subscription includes components for data entry, charting, data analysis, navigation, layout, grids, scheduling, styling, reporting, printing and planning. The subscription includes full source code plus a 12 month period where all new product releases are delivered automatically. Developer Express VCL Subscription includes current and new products, product upgrades (major and minor) and access to all betas in active development. In addition, when you subscribe to Developer Express VCL Subscription, all your support inquiries will be given top priority.

Updates in 15.2.6

New Features/Updates:

  • ExpressSpreadSheet - Provide a command (a TAction object) that invokes the "Conditional Formatting Rules Manager" dialog.
  • ExpressEditors Library - Add the capability to use the classic-style dropdown calendar as the default calendar style for date editors.
  • ExpressLibrary Localizer Editor - Enable record filtering using the Find Panel and add the capability to copy a grid cell value to the clipboard.

Resolved Issues:

ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - Customization Form - An AV occurs on selecting the "Custom Tabs and Groups" item in the "Choose commands from" list if any custom group contains a custom subitem.
  • Ribbon Form - An AV occurs on clicking the Windows taskbar icon to restore back the form's window that was minimized by pressing the Windows+D key combination while the form was inactive and a hint was displayed for any of its window buttons.
  • Ribbon Form - Office 2013 or 2016 style - The form's border size is 4 pixels less than in Office applications if a built-in color scheme is applied.
  • TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem - The Ribbon Popup Menu can be invoked for the bar item's drop-down menu.

ExpressDocking Library

  • Re-opening a project file suppresses the display of floating dock panels defined in secondary forms.

ExpressLayout Control

  • A layout control located on an inherited form creates layout elements without a name at design time.
  • Customization Form - The '<empty>' string displayed for layout elements whose caption or name is assigned an empty string cannot be localized.
  • Import - TcxPageControl, TPageControl, or their descendant selected in the Import form's drop-down list are not imported to the layout control.
  • The height of tabbed layout groups whose TabbedOptions.Options option set includes pcoTopToBottomText is incorrect.


  • The NavBar control's OptionsBehavior.Common.DragDropFlags property setting applies to the NavBar designer and Customization Form in error.

ExpressPrinting System

  • Captions of TcxCustomGroupBox and descendants are incorrectly printed if a report link's ScaleFonts property is set to False.
  • Export to PDF - Metafile images are incorrectly clipped.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • An AV occurs on switching the cursor while the View is locked for updates by the BeginUpdate method call in certain cases.
  • Chart View - The Pen.Color property setting is not initialized for a canvas used to paint pie slices.
  • Layout View - Clicking a card/group's expand button or a layout group's tab does nothing.
  • Layout View - Data item captions are not painted in certain cases.
  • Master-Detail - The View whose OptionsBehavior.FixedGroups property is set to True misplaces expand buttons in master rows that do not fully display their detail rows.
  • The grid control is not disabled during the export operation

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • An AV occurs on exporting a tree list whose indent cells contain images.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • An AV occurs on loading certain DOCX files that contain two or more references to an image in various document parts.
  • The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs if selection that includes merged table cells is adjacent to another merged cell.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Gantt View - Changes made to the Finish column cell value modify the Start column cell value in the Tree Browser.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - Minimized MDI child forms cannot be restored down using the window's context menu or window buttons if certain skins are applied.


  • A multi-line formula returns #NAME? as its result.
  • A worksheet's Options.ActualZeroValues property value doesn't control the visibility of zero values that are not function results in cells.
  • A worksheet's Options.ZeroValues property value is incorrectly loaded from an XLS file.
  • A worksheet's SortByColumnValues or SortByRowValues procedure incorrectly sorts rows/columns if more than one column/row is passed as the procedure's parameters.
  • An AV occurs on double-clicking the frame painted around a floating container.
  • An AV occurs on opening an XLS file which contains a reference to a function introduced in modern Excel versions.
  • Import from CSV - Date-time values are parsed using the English (United States) format rather than the system's format.
  • Removing selected columns or rows doesn't remove the merged cells that are partially included in the selected area.
  • The "Find and Replace" dialog displaces the editors located on the Find page at high DPI settings (more than 96).
  • The right or bottom border is not painted in a merged cell that is more than 1 pixel wide or 1 pixel high if the border style is set to any other than the default one.
  • The spreadsheet control cannot be compiled if the "Minimum enum size" compiler option is set to a value other than Byte.
  • The text containing quotation marks is incorrectly pasted from the clipboard.
  • The unary double minus operator is not supported.
  • Typing an IME composition moves the caret to the previous character/symbol.

ExpressTile Control

  • Decreasing a tile group's font size doesn't reduce the group's caption height.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • The vertical grid used in an ActiveX server application doesn't display cell hints.

ExpressEditors Library

  • In-place cxRichEdit - Typing an IME composition doesn't invoke a composition window within the in-place editor.
  • TcxDBFilterControl - The FilterOptions.DateTimeFormat property setting is ignored by date-time filter items when building filter criteria for the FilterText property if the DataSet property is unassigned.
  • TcxShellTreeView - Pressing the Del key while a shell item's caption is customized attempts to remove this shell item rather than clearing the text selected in its caption.


  • Raising an exception while modifying a scrollbar's thumb position causes continuous scrolling.

About DevExpress (Developer Express)

DevExpress (Developer Express) is a software development company based in the United States. It produces coding assistance tools and components for Delphi, C++ Builder and Microsoft Visual Studio developers. The major part of its product line is VCL, .NET WinForms and ASP.NET components that replicate the UI of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office applications. Developer Express has won many industry awards for its products.

Sample spreadsheet created using DevExpress VCL Subscription.

DevExpress VCL Subscription

Tous les produits de Developer Express VCL dans un seul package.

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