DevExpress ASP.NET 16.1.5

Latest maintenance release now available.
Août 3, 2016
Nouvelle Version


All ASP.NET Controls

  •  Material Theme - RadioButtonList, RadioButton - Adjust the focused style according to the guideline
  •  The element position is calculated incorrectly for a document that is being scrolled in Opera

All ASP.NET MVC Products

  •  The 'Insert DevExpress MVC Extension' context menu item raises an error for projects with older versions of MVC Extensions


  •  Form validation does not operate in the MVC DataBinding demo

ASPxEditors Suite

  • ASPxSitemapControl, ASPxHeadline, ASPxTokenBox, and ASPxTrackBar controls incorrectly display sprite elements in several themes if the GlobalAccessibilityCompliant option is set to True

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • ASPxGridView - The "Multiple controls with the same ID" error occurs on expanding a grouped row if EnableCustomizationWindow is set to True and a group footer is visible
  • ASPxGridView in Batch Edit - GridViewDataMemoColumn editor height is smaller than cell height
  • ASPxBinaryImage - The "Invalid image data" error occurs when uploading photos taken by Galaxy Note 5
  • ASPxButton - Material Theme - Check if the button styles correspond to the Material Design guidelines
  • ASPxCardView - Rows have incorrect height if card height is specified and there are empty cards
  • ASPxComboBox - It is possible to delete text using the SetText(null) method if DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList and AllowNull equals "false"
  • ASPxComboBox - Search doesn't start after a Chinese symbol is entered in Firefox
  • ASPxComboBox - There is no property that allows determining if an entered value is a client-side text in the ItemRequestedByValue event handler
  • ASPxComboBox - The first item index is 1 on iOS if Native is True
  • ASPxGridLookup - The "Unexpected token }" error is shown when the Enabled property of the built-in ASPxGridLookup's GridView is set to false on a callback to the built-in GridView
  • ASPxGridView - Custom grid implementation cannot be compiled because certain methods (RaiseRowInserting, RaiseRowUpdating) became non-virtual
  • ASPxGridView - DisabledCssClass is not applied for an item in the context menu
  • ASPxGridView - Horizontal scrolling does not work when there is a fixed column and a filter row is enabled
  • ASPxGridView - Server Mode - "The method or operation is not implemented" error occurs in the Search Panel
  • ASPxGridView - The "Cannot read property 'rowSpan' of undefined" error occurs when the grid is bound on a callback and a column with FixedStyle="Left" is used
  • ASPxGridView - The "Index was outside the bounds of the array" exception is thrown when conditional formatting is added in markup
  • ASPxGridView - The "Key cannot be null." error occurs on an attempt to bind GridViewDataComboBoxColumn to a nullable field without values if EnableCallbackMode is true in Batch Edit mode
  • ASPxGridView - The "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'GetMainElement' of null" error occurs on an attempt to scroll the grid vertically if there is ASPxDateEdit in the DataItemTemplate of any column
  • ASPxGridView - The ASPxClientGridView.RowDblClick.AddHandler method doesn't work
  • ASPxGridView - The Batch Edit mode does not support addnig new rows when grid columns are set to display data cell bands (using a column's Columns property)
  • ASPxGridView - The ButtonType property throws the "The 'ButtonType' property cannot be set declaratively." error on an attempt to run an application
  • ASPxGridView - The client-side DateChanged event is raised on an attempt to open a drop-drown if ASPxDateEdit was closed without changing the current date on the Cancel button click
  • ASPxGridView - The client-side ValidateRows and ValidateRow methods return 1 or 0 instead of boolean values in Batch Edit mode
  • ASPxGridView - The layout of detail rows is broken in adaptive and responsive modes if grid columns are set to display data cell bands (using a column's Columns property)
  • ASPxGridView - The second column is empty when rows are grouped on export to Excel in WYSIWYG mode
  • ASPxGridView - When cell merging is enabled, conditional formatting is applied incorrectly
  • ASPxGridView / ASPxVerticalGrid - Batch Editing - It is required to click the checkbox three times to change its state in the Material theme
  • ASPxGridView FixedColumns - "The ASPx.GridViewTableFixedColumnsHelper is not a constructor" js error occurs on an attempt to set FixedStyle="Left" on a callback
  • ASPxGridView in Batch Edit mode - A new unsaved row disappears after an exception was thrown if another new row was successfully inserted
  • ASPxGridView renders a gap after the rightmost column if the horizontal scrolling and AccessibilityCompliant are enabled
  • ASPxGridView with Advanced Banded View - It's impossible to filter child columns using a filter row
  • ASPxImageBase - The IsPng property is displayed in the designer while this property has become obsolete
  • ASPxListBox - Incorrect control's width in Edge
  • ASPxRadioButtonList - The 'selected' property of a client-side item object is undefined
  • ASPxSpinEdit - The client-side SetText method doesn't change the input text style if NullText is set
  • ASPxTextBox - The NullTextStyle.HorizontalAlign property doesn't affect NullText alignment
  • ASPxTimeEdit - Null text shouldn't be selected on focus
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - A JavaScript error occurs when clicking the Select All check box and the SelectAllCheckboxMode property is set to "Page"
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - A row preceding the category has an incorrect bottom border color in the Overview demo
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - HTML markup gets broken after inserting a new item if fixed rows are enabled
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - HTML markup is broken when there are no visible records
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - It's not possible to focus a cell via the keyboard if the cell is in the collapsed category in BatchEdit mode
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - The "Cannot read property 'IsVerticalScrollBarShowed' of undefined" error is thrown when the grid is placed inside an inactive tab of ASPxPageControl and VerticalScrollBarMode and HorizontalScrollBarMode are turned on
  • ASPxVerticalGrid - The Settings.GridLines property has no effect
  • Correct the attributes of all methods and properties marked as obsolete
  • Editors have incorrect height inside ASPxPopupControl if the Height property is defined in IE 11
  • TableScrollHelperCollection prevents a client-side instance of ASPxGridView/ MVC GridView from being completely disposed
  • Visual Studio 2015 crashes if the Designer of ASPxGridView is opened after upgrading to 16.1
  • Visual Studio marks the RowMenuItemVisibility/GroupSummaryMenu node as invalid in markup


  • ASPxHtmlEditor - When content is deleted, text that follows it is wrapped in the deleted content tag
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - HTML 5 "underlined" / "u" element should not be removed when SettingsHtmlEditing.AllowedDocumentType="HTML5"
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - It's possible to resize a parent popup when clicking inside the color picker dialog
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - The content scrolls to the top on Ctrl+Shift+V pasting in Chrome
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - The input caret is not moved to the next line on the "Enter" key press when the ViewArea.BackColor property is set
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - The 'Out of stack space' error occurs on an attempt to paste text using the 'Ctrl+V' key combination in IE11
  • ASPxHtmlEditor - The printing functionality doesn't work if the Preview view is shown
  • Not all content is removed from ASPxHtmlEditor after pressing the Ctrl+A and Delete key combination


  • An exception is raised on resizing the filter popup in IE and Firefox
  • ASPxPivotGrid - A script error is thrown in IE 11 when the horizontal scrollbar is shown
  • ASPxPivotGrid - Hierarchical fields are not loaded in regular data binding mode when the RetrieveFields method is called
  • ASPxPivotGrid - Percentage values are formatted incorrectly in OLAP when the ADOMD provider is used
  • ASPxPivotGrid - Sorting is not disabled when the "Defer Layout Update" option is checked in ASPxPivotCustomizationControl
  • OLAP - Filtering by default members works incorrectly if the DefaultMemberFields property is set to AllFilterFields


  • ASPxRichEdit - Content of a printed document is incorrect if this document has been merged and saved on the server
  • ASPxRichEdit - Bookmark styles of previously added bookmarks disappear after adding a new bookmark to a document
  • ASPxRichEdit - Command+V doesn't work properly in the Chrome and Safari browsers on Mac Os X
  • ASPxRichEdit - Document printing causes an error message in version 16.1.4
  • ASPxRichEdit - It's impossible to change the image size in a table
  • ASPxRichEdit - The "An unspecified error occurred and the editor needs to be reloaded. Your last changes can be lost." error occurs on an attempt to change the header / footer section edit mode if the section contains Tab stops
  • ASPxRichEdit - The "Cannot read property 'rowOffset' of null " error occurs when opening a custom *.doc document with multiple nested tables
  • ASPxRichEdit - The client-side "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'rowOffset' of null" error is thrown on an attempt to open a certain DOC document with a table
  • ASPxRichEdit - The ruler is not shown if ASPxRichEdit is placed on a tab page that is not an active page of ASPxPageControl
  • The order in which the CalculateDocumentVariable event is raised does not correspond to the order of DOCVARIABLE fields in a document

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • Appointments are rendered in a wrong place after the upgrade to version 16.1
  • ASPxScheduler - An in-place editor appears at an incorrect position if a browser size is less than a half of the screen
  • ASPxScheduler doesn't restore an appointment if the client-side Drop operation was canceled
  • Markup of the ASPxSchedulerDemo modules is invalid (all editors are marked as unknown elements)
  • Navigation Buttons are rendered incorrectly when a DayView's client area height is less than the view's scroll area height
  • Provide the capability to display TimeRuler's visible time spans starting from a current visible time
  • The "Unterminated string constant" exception is raised when the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v16.1.Core.resources.dll assembly is added to an ASPxScheduler project
  • The drag and double tap touch actions are not working


  • ASPxSpreadsheet - Can't print a document twice
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - Context tabs are not visible in an external ribbon when creating default tabs at runtime via the CreateDefaultRibbonTabs method
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - Copy / Paste to multiple column does not work on Mac Upgrade of Yosemite 10.10.5
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - Empty rows appear in the filter result when clearing the initial filter and filtering by a column value contained in rows that are not neighboring
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - It is impossible to make initially hidden columns visible
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - Localization - The ASPxSpreadsheetStringId.PageSetup_PageTab_OrientationGroup value for the default culture is incorrect
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - The background color set for a cell with long text is also applied to other cells overlapped by the cell text
  • ASPxSpreadsheet does not work if trust level is Medium
  • ASPxSpreadshhet - Adding a hyperlink clears the format
  • Ribbon's KeyTips mode does not work in ASPxSpreadsheet


  • ASPxThemeBuilder - The "The 'CssFilePath' property cannot be set declaratively" error occurs in the control preview
  • ASPxThemeBuilder - The Material Theme with a custom base color is not rendered correctly


  • ASPxTreeList - A selected child row loses its styles after the parent row is collapsed and the row is unselected
  • ASPxTreeList - Columns' width is not correct when CellStyle.Wrap is enabled in the Edge browser
  • ASPxTreeList - Command buttons do not work if an image Url is set in the CommandColumnButtonInitialize event handler
  • ASPxTreeList - Node text shifts on selecting its child node when the Office 2010 Silver theme is used
  • ASPxTreeList - Provide the client-side GetPopupEditForm method
  • ASPxTreeList - The base CSS class of the initially focused row is lost when focus moves to the next row if the Office2010Blue theme is used
  • ASPxTreeList - The Styles.FocusedNode settings aren't applied
  • ASPxTreeList - Tooltips are not displayed when AllowEllipsisInText is set for a column
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