Wijmo 3 2016 v2 (Build 69)

Créez des vues de grille de données hiérarchiques, ainsi que des vues personnalisées pour votre calendrier d’événements.
Septembre 16, 2016
Nouvelle Version


  • Grid - Hierarchical View - Create hierarchical views with wijgrid. Easily visualize parent-child relational data using the wijgrid and its detailgrid feature. You can show data from arrays or from oData services to create hierarchical views using wijgrid.
  • EventsCalendar - Custom View - Create custom views in eventscalendar with ease, now you can define your own views like 2 weeks, 2 months view by updating the views property of the control.
  • EventsCalendar Export - Export the eventscalendar as PDF or an image using export service, the exported file shows events and UI of the eventscalendar.
  • Chart Navigator - Create Overview- Plus- Detail chart using charts and the new ChartNavigator control. The ChartNavigator control lets you zoom over a certain period using the range slider, you can also show a hint about time period as you slide. The chart navigator can be used with Bar\Column charts, Line\Area and CandleStick charts.
Wijmo 3

Wijmo 3

Gagdets d'interface jQuery avec prise en charge des navigateurs existants.

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