Express Navigation Pack 16.1.5

Inclut des mises à jour d'éditeurs, de barres et de contrôles de disposition.
Octobre 20, 2016
Nouvelle Version


ExpressBars Suite

  • High memory consumption for storing toolbar/Ribbon reset information.
  • Ribbon Form - An icon assigned to a form using Windows API is ignored if the form contains the Ribbon control whose SupportNonClientDrawing property is set to True.

ExpressDocking Library

  • The size of docked dock panels is incorrectly restored from an INI file or the registry at high DPI settings (more than 96) if an application is built with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Changing the ItemIndex property value of a layout group doesn't fire the group's OnTabChanged event.
  • Clicking the button that toggles the float state of a layout group hides this group if it was previously dragged.
  • Controls linked to layout items on inherited forms of certain depth of inheritance are incorrectly scaled in response to DPI changes.
  • Performance regression when scaling layout elements using the ScaleBy method compared with v15.2.

ExpressSkins Library

  • A minimized MDI child form is incorrectly painted if a skin that provides custom form border sizes is applied.

ExpressEditors Library

  • An in-place cxTextEdit and its descendants validate a value being posted twice.
  • cxCheckComboBox - Creating items within the Properties.Items.BeginUpdate/Properties.Items.EndUpdate method block doesn't improve the performance.
  • cxTextEdit - Moving focus within the OnKeyDown event handler of the editor whose value is not modified validates this value.
  • cxTextEdit and its descendants flicker on losing focus.
  • Invoking a drop-down window of an in-place fixed-style сombo box editor located on a secondary form displays the main form above it, if incremental filtering is enabled for the editor and an application's MainFormOnTaskBar property is set to False.
  • TcxListView - The DeleteSelected method doesn't remove selected items if the ReadOnly property is set to True.
  • The cxDateUtils.cxDateToStr method freezes an application when called for a date format that includes "D".
Express Navigation Pack


Incluez des fonctionnalités de ruban, de barre d’outils, de mise en page et de skin à vos applications VCL.

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