ExpressNavigationPack 16.1.6

Version incluant une mise à jour de la documentation dans la Suite ExpressBars, ainsi que plusieurs améliorations et corrections de bogues.
Novembre 24, 2016
Nouvelle Version


ExpressBars Suite

  • Documentation - Describe how the display name is determined for items located in the Ribbon Application Menu's right panel if their DisplayText property is assigned an empty string.


ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - The background of group headers blends with the gallery's background if the Office 2016 Colorful, Office 2016 DarkGray, or Office 2016 Tablet Colorful built-in skin is applied.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem and TdxRibbonDropDownGallery - The Stack Overflow exception occurs on displaying gallery items whose height exceeds 30 pixels.

ExpressDocking Library

  • A floating dock panel can be partially moved out of the screen using drag and drop.

ExpressEditors Library

  • A fixed-style сombo box editor whose BeepOnEnter property is set to False produces a beep sound on pressing the Enter key if incremental filtering is enabled.
  • TcxListView - The content is incorrectly scrolled in response to dragging the vertical scrollbar's thumb if the editor's ViewStyle property is set to vsReport.
  • cxRichEdit - Certain actions make a read-only editor whose Properties.RichEditClass property is set to recRichEdit41 editable in Windows 10.
  • TcxCustomTextEdit descendants - Setting the Properties.ViewStyle property to vsHideCursor is ignored after the Ctrl+Backspace key combination has been pressed.
  • cxButtonEdit - Changes to the Text property value made by handling the Properties.OnButtonClick event that is fired using the Ctrl+Enter key combination are ignored in a read-only editor.
  • cxDateEdit - Day numbers are cropped if their font style is modified in the editor's Properties.OnGetDayState event handler.
  • Data-aware editors - Posting data to a bound dataset from an OnEditValueChanges event handler doesn't switch the dataset's State property from dsEdit to dsBrowse.


Incluez des fonctionnalités de ruban, de barre d’outils, de mise en page et de skin à vos applications VCL.

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