DevExpress ASP.NET 16.2.4

Version de maintenance incluant plusieurs améliorations et corrections de bogues.
Janvier 20, 2017
Nouvelle Version


All ASP.NET Controls

  • Documentation - Add a note that the ASPxUploadControl.FileUploadComplete event is not raised for individual files when multiple files are loaded in the Advanced mode.
  • Documentation - ASPxHiddenField - Update the Data Types Supported by the ASPxHiddenField help article.
  • Documentation - The "Embedding Third-Party Libraries" article doesn't contain information about script libraries' versions.
  • The 'ASPxPopupControlBase.ContentUrl Property' topic - See Also links are not clickable.
  • The spriteAccessible.png file is missing after copying the XafTheme files using the ASPxThemeDeployer tool.
  • The Theme list is empty when a custom theme assembly is used.

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • ASPxBinaryImage - A part of the Upload progress bar and the Cancel button overlaps the image area when the image size is reduced.
  • ASPxCalendar - The swipe gesture stops working after a date is selected.
  • ASPxCardView - Cookies are overwritten on page reload when the Version property is defined.
  • ASPxCardView - The search panel works incorrectly.
  • ASPxComboBox - An item image is displayed incorrectly when bootstrap styles are added to the page.
  • ASPxComboBox - The "The control is not bound to any data source" error occurs in a multi column combobox when an additional item is inserted in the DataBound event handler and the Value property is set to this item's value.
  • ASPxDateEdit - Unable to set the date to March 13, 2016 with the "UTC -6, USA & Canada" time zone.
  • ASPxGridLookup - The DisplayFormatString property doesn't format the editor's textbox when it's not focused.
  • A border is missing in the last visible row when ColumnMoveMode="ThroughHierarchy" and column move processing is enabled on the client side.
  • A command button has UseSubmitBehavior="true" when its ButtonType property is set to "Button".
  • A detail grid is not exported by using the WriteXlsxToResponse and WritePdfToResponse methods when only one master row is displayed.
  • Adaptive Mode - The focused style is always applied to the first row.
  • Batch Edit - Changing focus by Shift+Tab generates an infinite loop in IE if the grid contains fixed columns of large width and the HorizontalScrollBarMode property is set to "Auto".
  • Batch Editing - A detail grid bound to LinqServerModeDataSource has incorrect keys in the BatchUpdate event when a column is grouped.
  • Batch Editing - In Firefox, when the Enter key is pressed for a command cell, the focus rectangle is not displayed for the cell's command button.
  • Batch Editing - The SetHeight method has no effect in Edge and Firefox for GridViewDataMemoColumn.
  • Certain borders are not rendered in RightToLeft mode in the Mulberry and Moderno themes.
  • Column resizing works incorrectly after modifying a column's hierarchy by an end-user if GridColumnMoveMode is set to ThroughHierarchy.
  • Conditional formatting is not applied to ASPxGridView when it is exported in data aware mode and has header bands.
  • GridViewDataColumn.PropertiesEdit settings and their inheritances affect auto filter row editors.
  • HTML tags are double encoded in the grid error row.
  • It is not possible to change the number of displayed months in the DateRangePicker.
  • It is possible to break the cell layout by moving columns through a column hierarchy.
  • It's possible to enable both the horizontal scrollbar and adaptivity mode at the same time.
  • No Russian localization for "Selection state of all rows on all pages".
  • The "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error occurs on an attempt to add CustomButtons in the designer.
  • The alert message box is not shown on the edit and delete button click if the KeyFieldName property is not specified.
  • The built-in SearchPanel does not work if a DevExpress editor ID is set to the ASPxGridSearchPanelSettings.CustomEditorID property.
  • The color of Adaptive Detail buttons blends with the color of a focused row when the "iOS" theme is used and KeyboardSupport is set to true.
  • The ExportCellStyle ForeColor property is not applied on exporting the grid if the DataAware export type is used.
  • The exported table has empty data cells when ASPxGridView is exported in data aware mode if it has header bands and data columns in the root level.
  • The exported table has missing column headers when ASPxGridView is exported in data aware mode and has header bands.
  • The Filter Builder popup loses its height after the "Ok" or "Cancel" button click.
  • The filter value entered in the filter row is applied to the grid in Batch mode after clicking Cancel in the confirmation window in Chrome.
  • The focused row isn't reset if the page size is changed at runtime.
  • The GridViewCommandColumnCustomButton.Styles.Style.Widh property has no effect.
  • The KeyNotFoundException is thrown on an attempt to export the grid using PrintableComponentLink when the grid has header band columns.
  • The PreviewRow area stretches the first column when data cell bands are used.
  • The 'Save changes' and 'Cancel changes' buttons are not disabled if all deleted rows are recovered.
  • The second row of summaries is not shown in a PDF document exported by using PrintableComponentLink when the grid has band columns.
  • ASPxGridView returns an incorrect page when VirtualScrolling is used on resizing the grid's height.
  • ASPxGridView's designer refreshes a data source schema too often.
  • ASPxListBox - An item with non ASCII Characters that is removed on the client side is shown again after a postback request.
  • ASPxListBox - The "Input string was not in a correct format." error occurs when submitting changes in the E3417 example.
  • ASPxTrackBar - A page is scrolled in Firefox when changing the editor's value using the mouse wheel.
  • Documentation - Add a note to the ASPxClientDropDownEditBase.CloseUp event.
  • Documentation - Add a note to the ASPxGridBehaviorSettings.EncodeErrorHtml article that this property has effect only for ErrorTextKind.RowValidate errors.
  • Documentation - ASPxGridViewSettings.UseFixedTableLayout Property - Add a note that setting this property to False does not have any effect when columns resizing or scrolling is enabled.
  • Touch scrolling doesn't work in the Grid Header Filter popup in IE Win 10 Mobile emulation mode.


  • A new line is not appended in certain conditions.
  • Inconsistent behavior near the hr tag.
  • Insert Image Dialog - The thumbnail url is rendered in the dialog after checking the "Create thumbnail" checkbox.
  • Tag Inspector - The "Unable to get property 'parentNode' of undefined or null reference" JavaScript error occurs on navigating through tag inspector nodes in IE.
  • The Insert Image dialog window is incorrectly shown in Chrome when the control is placed at the bottom of a long page and this page is scrolled to show it.
  • ASPxHtmlEditor is not displayed properly when used inside a bootstrap modal window.


  • It is impossible to request DrillDownDataSource for a row or column's Grand Total by passing -1 as a column or row index.
  • OLAP Fields cannot be dragged on Windows Phone devices.


  • The current query validation routine is not optimized (too many excessive SQL queries are sent to the server).


  • "An unspecified error occurred and the editor need to be reloaded. Your last changes can be lost." error occurs if the CacheKey property is not defined when a custom dictionary is used.
  • A Ribbon line appears on screen if the Full Screen mode has been enabled while the Ribbon is hidden.
  • A table's column width cannot be modified.
  • Changing a table border style has no visual effect.
  • Header and footer editing cannot be disabled by setting DocumentCapabilities.HeadersFooters to Disabled.
  • It is not possible to get field code and field result intervals on the client side.
  • Line breaks are ignored when pasting text from simple text editors in Chrome.
  • Merge Fields don't show data in certain conditions.
  • The ASPxRichEditSettings.Unit property doesn't change the "Inches" item in the "Measure in" combo box.
  • The changePageMargins command works incorrectly.
  • The Save button is disabled in a new created document by default.

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error on an attempt to copy ASPxScheduler's default dialog forms into a project.
  • An exception occurs in the AddVerticlaAppointment method when a non-English culture is used and the displayed appointment doesn't occupy an entire cell (SnapToCellsMode is Never/Disabled).
  • Appointment tooltip is not displayed when selection moves from one appointment to another.
  • ASPxScheduler can't navigate to the next and previous intervals when clicking the View Navigator buttons.
  • ASPxScheduler's layout is incorrectly calculated on initial loading when ASPxScheduler is located in the ASPxSplitter container.
  • Borders on ASPxSchedulerControl are rendered incorrectly.
  • The "Appointment" menu is incorrectly shown after de-selecting an appointment client-side.
  • The ASPxClientRecurrenceInfo.GetRecurrenceType method returns an incorrect value for pattern appointments.
  • The width of TimeLineView headers is calculated incorrectly in case a lot of time intervals are displayed in the view.
  • Time Ruler highlighting does not take into account multiple appointments selection.


  • The "Your session has expired" message contains a misprint.
  • A long list of values is rendered beyond the "Filter by values..." dialog's boundaries in FireFox.
  • A value in the Formula Bar has only fourteen decimal places (the last symbol is truncated).
  • Can't insert a formula in an empty document.
  • Cells copied from Excel are pasted in ASPxSpreadsheet as an image in Firefox 50.0.2.
  • Content has a wrong position and is loaded incorrectly after scrolling a document that has a large amount of data.
  • Dialogs have an incorrect layout when the Material, iOS or Moderno theme is used.
  • Formula names are not localized in the ribbon.
  • Formulas are undefined when an ASPxCallbackPanel callback is performed and an external Ribbon is used.
  • It is not possible to localize the “Your session has expired” message.
  • It's not possible to delete a chart or an image from a protected sheet.
  • Ribbon items located on the Formulas tab are disabled for a protected sheet.
  • Scrolling does not work for menu items in the ribbon.


  • The ASPxClientTreeList.ContextMenu event doesn't fire when handled on the client side using the AddHandler function.
  • It is impossible to expand a node in ASPxTreeList nested in an edit form of another ASPxTreeList.

Data Access Library

  • The service DevExpress.DataAccess.Design.VSEFDataSourceDesigner+VSEFWizardOptionsProvider already exists in the service container.

Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • ASPxDockPanel - Nested docking is not supported
  • ASPxFileManager - Add the 'Select All' check box to the command column header when the EnableMultiSelect option is enabled.
  • ASPxFileManager - Documentation - Specify that the FileManagerAccessRuleBase.Path property should be relative to the Root folder.
  • ASPxFileManager - Improve performance in a scenario with a large number of access rules.
  • ASPxFileManager - Thumbnails are generated slowly if the current folder contains a lot of files.
  • ASPxFormLayout - LayoutItem content is lost when switching from thet Designer and the item is inside the root ASPxFormLayout.Items collection.
  • ASPxFormLayout - The "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object'" error occurs in the designer if TabbedLayoutGroup with EnableTabScrolling=true is used.
  • ASPxImageSlider - The Width and Paddings properties have no effect for NextPageButtonHorizontalOutside and PrevPageButtonHorizontalOutside.
  • ASPxLoadingPanel allows using the keyboard when the modal panel is shown.
  • ASPxMenu with Full-Width Submenu works incorrectly on touch devices.
  • ASPxNavBar - The bottom of a border is not visible when the last group is not visible in the Material theme.
  • ASPxPopupControl is displayed incorrectly in maximized state on mobile devices.
  • ASPxRibbon - A dialog window is not shown on an attempt to define LargeImage URL for a button item in the designer.
  • ASPxRibbon - The EncodeHtml property has no effect for a nested RibbonDropDownButtonItem.
  • ASPxSplitter - The "Unable to get property 'selectionStart'" JavaScript error occurs in certain cases.
  • ASPxTreeView - CheckSate of the root node is incorrect on the first page load if the first sub-node is checked during node creation.
  • ASPxTreeView - The "Object doesn't support property or method 'InitializeExpandButton'" script error occurs when the SetVisible method is used to hide the last node in the client-side Init event handler.
  • ASPxUploadControl - The AuthenticationFailed error occurs on an attempt to upload files in Azure Storage Emulator.
  • ASPxUploadControl, ASPxFileManager - "Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed size" error occurs when uploading to Amazon AWS and AdvancedModeSettings.PacketSize is lower than 5 MB.

XtraCharts Suite

  • WebChartControl - The ObjectSelected event is not raised in Safari on iOS 9.x.

XtraReports Suite

  • ASPxReportDesigner - XRPivotGrid - Field appearance settings are not saved/restored.
  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - Parameter LookUp settings are accessed even if the parameter is invisible.
  • It is impossible to create a script for the XRChart control in ASPxReportDesigner.
  • It is impossible to edit text in the XRRichText control after a report has been reloaded.
  • The exported document can be corrupted if a report contains a table cell whose RowSpan property is greater than 1.
  • Web Document Viewer - Localization - Localization strings are displayed instead of their content.
  • Web Report Designer - Modifying the Visual Range of chart axes has no effect in the preview.
DevExpress ASP.NET

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

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