Actipro Universal Windows Studio 2017.1 build 311

Améliore la logique de suivi des fenêtres actives et le rendu des éditeurs PropertyGrid.
Juillet 6, 2017
Nouvelle Version



  • Improved active window tracking logic.
  • Updated the UI automation peer for docking windows to support IInvokeProvider, which will Activate the docking window when invoked.
  • Updated AdvancedTabControl tab overflow behavior logic for shrinking.
  • Improved logic for determining when a tab is about to drag in scenarios where the tab control is moved on selection due to external controls being added to the layout.


  • Added a DefaultValue property to numerous edit boxes that provides the value to set when incrementing/decrementing from a null value.
  • Improved all numeric edit boxes to better support custom formats (e.g. 0' days').
  • Added the MonthCalendar.DayItemTemplateSelector property, which allows for flexible customization of how each day is presented.
  • Updated edit boxes to handle mouse wheel events when their popup is open.


  • Added the DataFilterResult.IncludedWithDescendants option so that when a tree item is included in a filter, all of its descendants can be auto-included as well.
  • Added the TreeListView.ColumnHeaderTapped event that is raised when a column header is tapped.
  • Added the TreeListBox.EmptyContent and EmptyContentTemplate properties that can display custom content when no items are visible in the control. Also applies to TreeListView and PropertyGrid.
  • Added a new TreeListBox Three-State Checking QuickStart that shows how to construct a tree where checking a node updates its ancestors and descendants properly.
  • Updated TreeListBoxItem to not start editing mode when single-clicked if the item didn't already have focus.
  • Updated PropertyGridItemStyleSelector to fall back to new Style properties defined on PropertyGrid when styles aren't specified.
  • Updated CachedPropertyModelBase.HasStandardValuesCore to return true if there are any standard values present.
  • Updated logic to prevent the adapter's InitializeDataObject method from being called more than once if no data object was initialized during a drag start.
  • Updated the PropertyGrid Custom Data Factory QuickStart to show a property with standard values from another property and use of the new IPropertyModel.StandardValuesDisplayMemberPath property.
  • Updated TreeListBoxItem to match other controls like ListBox and not auto-select itself on focus.
  • Improved Tab focus handling for the TreeListBox and TreeListView controls.
  • Improved rendering of PropertyGrid editors.


  • Added a text area automation peer that wraps text area elements within an editor view.
  • Improved the rendering of squiggle lines to be bolder and more wave-like.
  • Updated paste logic to only allow a line-oriented paste if there is a zero-length selection.
  • Updated the default completion list item sort logic to use a current culture comparison instead of ordinal.

.NET Languages Add-on

  • Updated the C# parser to support C# 6 syntax.
  • Updated the VB parser to support VB 14 syntax.
  • Updated the C# and VB parsers to report a syntax error when an unterminated string is found.
  • Improved string delimiter auto-completion logic.
  • Improved resolver logic for working with partial classes.
  • Improved resolver support for base type instance references.
  • Improved the binary assembly serializer logic to better handle obfuscated assemblies.

Web Languages Add-on

  • Updated the JSON grammar to properly accept any expression at the root level instead of only object.


  • Added the virtual EditableContentControl.SelectText method that is called when inline editing starts, and selects all text by default. Override to support alternate ranges of text, such as filenames without extensions.
  • Added the virtual EditableContentControl.SetContentAfterEditing method that gets called to update Content when an edited value is committed. The edited value can be coerced as needed or edit mode can be reactivated if the edited value is invalid.


  • Improved documentation content size when in high DPI.



  • Fixed a bug where a single bar in chart might not render properly.


  • Fixed a bug where lazy-loaded docking windows opened after layout deserialization might not have the correct size.
  • Fixed a bug where the can drag to linked dock site option wasn't being applied properly.


  • Fixed a bug where DateEditBox.CanRetainTime didn't always work properly.
  • Fixed a bug in EnumEditBox where a data-bound flags value might not initially appear correctly in the popup.


  • Fixed a bug where when tree item filtering and an item is flagged as Excluded, its descendants could possibly show.
  • Fixed a bug where the TreeListViewColumn.CellHorizontalAlignment property wasn't being applied properly.
  • Fixed a bug in the DataModelSortComparer.CompareIndex method that could cause incorrect index sorting and a possible exception.


  • Fixed a bug with certain character class usage scenarios.
Actipro Universal Windows Studio

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