DevExpress Windows 10 Apps 17.2.3

Affichez, masquez et réorganisez les colonnes de grille lors de l'exécution.
Novembre 17, 2017
Nouvelle Version


  • Grid Control
    • Column Chooser - The Windows 10 Grid Column Chooser allows end-users to display, hide and rearrange columns at runtime.
    • Attributes-Based Validation - The DevExpress Windows10 Grid Control now supports DataAnnotations attributes.
    • Alternating Row Styles
  • Miscellaneous
    • Master-Detail Pattern - This release includes a Master-Detail Pattern navigation layout. This feature allows you to replicate the look and feel of the Windows 10 Mail app within your application.
    • Svg Icon Palettes - You can specify the global palette used to colorize SVG images in your application. In addition, you can apply a custom palette to individual icons and override the colors specified by the global palette.
Grid Column Chooser.

DevExpress UWP (Windows 10 Apps)

Contrôles UWP principalement tactiles, élégants et simples d'emploi.

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