RubyMine 2017.3

Améliore sensiblement les performances et offre une meilleure résolution et un meilleur aperçu du code.
Décembre 7, 2017
Nouvelle Version


  • A better IDE
    • Better performance - This release has significant performance improvements.
    • Better resolution - Bottlenecks that prevented you from jumping to external keywords like callbacks and responders have been eliminated.
    • Better Code Insight - Code Insight features have been significantly reworked. In particular, RubyMine has become much better at mapping declared method arguments with the given ones. Not only that, but some built-in Inspections and Intentions have been fixed, making the IDE even more robust.
    • Better support for complex projects - Better support for applications with nested projects, like Rails Event Store. For these types of applications, the IDE detects the projects located within the app and their own Gemfiles and allows you to install and resolve the required dependencies.
  • WSL
    • Linux subsystem for Windows - RubyMine 2017.3 features Windows Bash Support.
  • Refactoring
    • Extract methods to private and protected - Extracting methods with RubyMine is a piece of cake, but now it's even sweeter. With this release you can extract methods (Refactor | Extract) to a private, protected, or even public section if you want.
  • RuboCop
    • Autocorrect by offense class or cop department - Starting from now, RubyMine's RuboCop in-editor autocorrections outperform any other alternative. With a simple Alt+Enter you can autocorrect the whole file or fix a specific cop department or an offense class.
  • Code style
    • Method indentation and spaces around operators - Find these options in Editor | Code style | Ruby and reformat your methods' indentation the way you want (Code | Reformat code). In addition, you can now choose which operators should be wrapped with space, and which kept as is.
    • Parameter name hints improved - Parameter name hints have become better, you can now configure them to be displayed for literals only, as well as turn them off for excessive cases, e.g. when the given arguments are self-explanatory. Moreover, the new Show implicit param grouping option will wrap all the optional values into the improvised array for better visibility.
  • Puppet
    • Embedded Puppet template syntax - The new release brings support for the EPP template syntax. Not only does the IDE now recognize the original EPP syntax, but it also correctly autocompletes and navigates from templates to manifests and back. On top of that, Rename Refactoring works for variables and parameters, and you can Find Usages of your template files in seconds.
  • Debugger
    • Trace to_s evaluation - The new Trace to_s evaluation option detects costly operations and throws a timeout message, saving you time during the debugging session.
  • REST Client
    • New REST client - This release introduces a new way to test APIs from the IDE. Now you can write HTTP requests in a .http file and then quickly run them with the icons on the editor gutter.
  • JavaScript
    • Better code completion, documentation, CSS, and Vue.js
      • Code completion and parameter info for the standard JavaScript objects, methods, and Web APIs have all been improved, thanks to the TypeScript declaration files. Also, the documentation available via F1 now includes a brief description of the methods.
      • The Vue.js support features, completion and navigation to the definition, now work for Vue props, properties in the data object, computed properties, and methods. You will also find a collection of code snippets for Vue.
      • Code completion for CSS properties and values has become more precise, with the previously missing completion suggestions added for values with transform, transition, and pointer-events properties.
  • Version Control
    • Interactively Rebase from Here, workspaces for branches, and more
      • The Log viewer now offers an Interactively Rebase from Here action, which can help you pick, edit, skip, squash, reword, and fixup commits through a convenient UI dialog.
      • Now when you switch between branches, the IDE preserves your workspace: the opened files, the current run configuration, and the breakpoints.
      • RubyMine now shows the files which were changed by merge commits, even if they differ from one parent. Not only that, but the IDE also displays a 3-panel Diff for the merge conflicts.
  • Database tools
    • Managing schema, SQL generator, grouping data sources, and more
      • The Schemas node in the database tree has been replaced with a hover option, which shows the number of schemas currently displayed in the tree. Click on it to add or hide schemas.
      • You can now use the SQL generator to generate DDL scripts with options. Go to Context xmenu | SQL Scripts | SQL Generator and get the generated DDL of any type of object (table, schema, procedure) or even several objects simultaneously.
      • Also, we’ve added the following SSH improvements:
      • Reading OpenSSH config files (~/.ssh/config и /etc/ssh/ssh_config).
      • Showing dialogue for a One Time Password.
      • Using Ssh-agent and Pageant authentication.
      • The ability to group data sources is available in this release.
  • Other improvements
    • Ruby 2.5 support.
    • Gems.rb support.
    • Improved Markdown.
    • Docker Compose v3 support.
    • Cucumber Expressions support.
    • Rename files from tabs.
    • Fold multiline containers in the editor.
    • Install gems based on stacktrace messages.
    • Built-in Bundler installation through Tools / Bundler.
Code Insight features have been significantly reworked.


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