TX Text Control ActiveX Server X15

Ajoute des filigranes dans les en-têtes et les pieds de page.
Décembre 15, 2017
Nouvelle Version


  • Microsoft Word Compatible Document Protection and Editable Regions - Documents can now be protected by restricting the formatting and editing of content. When protecting a document, it is possible to define whether the document is completely locked or formatting can be applied.
  • Watermarks in Headers and Footers - Objects can be freely moved on the page and are placed behind the main text when headers and footers are deactivated. When a new page is inserted within the same section, the objects that belong to the header and footer are repeated on following pages as well.
  • Pagination in Tables - Pagination settings can now be used in tables to control page breaks within a table.
  • Select Objects Behind the Text - The new TXTextControl.SelectObjects property controls the selection of objects which are located behind text. When this property is set to True, a mouse click selects the object in the background. Otherwise, when this property is set to False, text in front of the object is selected.
Watermarks in headers and footers.

TX Text Control ActiveX Server

Incluez un contrôle de traitement de texte ASP côté serveur dans vos applications ASP classiques.

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