Actipro Editors for WPF 2017.2 build 0663

Améliore les zones d'édition pour sélectionner l'ensemble du texte en cas de double-clic.
Janvier 12, 2018
Nouvelle Version


  • Added MaskedTextBox.MatchedText property, which should be used for data binding since it doesn't include any prompt characters like the normal Text property can.
  • Added the DateTimeEditBox.SetValueToTodayCommand property, that resets to DateTime.Today when executed.
  • Improved edit boxes to select entire text when a double-click occurs.
  • Updated the ColorPicker's alpha component edit box to be percentage-based.


  • Fixed a bug in AutoCompleteBox where clicking outside of the control might not always close it.
Actipro Editors for WPF

Actipro Editors for WPF

Composants d'entrée de données avancés pour les applications WPF.

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