Codejock Command Bars ActiveX v18.4.0

Ajoute de nouvelles fonctionnalités à PrintPreview pour mettre à jour les icônes dans la barre d'outils et personnaliser d'autres paramètres.
Mai 21, 2018
Nouvelle Version


  • Added new features to CXTPPreviewView (PrintPreview) for updating icons in the toolbar and customizing other settings.
  • Added a number of control drawing improvements related to custom font size and DPI scaling.


  • Fixed drawing of CommandBar buttons with custom size and TextBelowIcons property enabled.
  • Custom text and background colors for disabled CommandBars Edit and ComboBox controls fixed.
  • Assertion and some logic mistakes fixed in CXTPPreviewView::SetupScrollbar.
  • Drawing Ribbon background image over Ribbon buttons when tabs are invisible fixed.
  • Drawing Ribbon bar when ShowCaptionAlways is set to FALSE fixed.
  • Scaling CommandBar/Ribbon icons of popup buttons and ComboBox in HiDPI fixed.
  • Backstage and Quick Access drawing in Office 2013/2016 themes with disabled frame theme is fixed.
  • CommandBarsFrame/CommandBarsFrameEvents properties and methods synchronized with CommandBars/CommandBarsFrame.
Codejock Command Bars ActiveX

Codejock Command Bars ActiveX

Créer des menus et des barres d’outils de style Microsoft Office avec des algorithmes de placement améliorés.

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