GitKraken v. 4.0

Les fichiers peuvent maintenant être édités directement dans GitKraken, et l'affichage diff des fichiers est amélioré.
Août 20, 2018
Nouvelle Version


  • Files can now be edited directly in GitKraken.
  • The following features have been added to file and diff views:
    • Syntax highlighting
    • Word diffing
    • Ability to search within a file (Ctrl/Cmd + F when focused)
  • File diffs can now be viewed inline or in Split view, in addition to Hunk view.
  • You can now create and delete files from within GitKraken.
  • GitKraken’s support documentation is now accessible through the Help menu.
  • The Fuzzy Finder can now be opened through the Help menu.
  • Stashes now have the ability to be hidden from the graph view.
  • A confirmation prompt has been added when deleting a stash.
  • Repositories can now be closed (Ctrl/Cmd + W), revealing a new view with quick links to open or start new projects.
  • Now, after staging all files through the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + S), the commit message box will be focused automatically.
  • Icons throughout GitKraken have been updated.


Une puissante suite d’outils Git pour les développeurs.

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