ReSharper 2018.2

Ajoute 30 améliorations de performance, la vérification orthographique intégrée avec ReSpeller, et la prise en charge de C# 7.3.
Août 23, 2018
Nouvelle Version


  • Performance improvements - 30 performance fixes across different parts of ReSharper, from speeding up EditorConfig support to decreasing solution loading times.
  • Integrated spell checking with ReSpeller
    • Scans for spelling mistakes and typos in identifiers, comments, string literals, and more, and provides quick-fixes to resolve each detected problem.
    • Comes with a built-in dictionary for English (United States). It uses a dictionary based on Hunspell, which means you can install additional languages if you like.
  • C# 7.3 support - Besides supporting the syntax, JetBrains added new inspections and appropriate quick-fixes to make your code compatible with C# 7.3.
    ReSharper now supports all features from the latest C# 7.3:
    • Declaration expressions in initializers and queries.
    • Tuple equality.
    • 'Ref' assignments.
    • 'Unmanaged', 'System.Delegate', and 'System.Enum' constraints.
    • 'Stackalloc' array initializers.
    • Pattern-based 'fixed' statement.
    • Indexing movable 'fixed' buffers.
  • Initial Blazor support - Added initial support for this experimental framework in ReSharper. For instance, code completion includes all the possible directives like page (routing), inject (service injection), and function (component members).
  • Navigation improvements:
    • Introduces new feature for Search & Navigation options: you can now specify ignored files by using a mask in Environment | Search & Navigation. You can exclude files from all search and navigation features, based on a file extension or by folder.
    • The StackTrace Explorer parsing engine has been added to Search Everywhere, copy a function signature from dotTrace’s / Visual Studio’s Call Stack window and navigate directly to the correct method overload in the codebase.
    • Features like File Structure, Containing Declaration, Next/Previous Members, and others now take local functions into account.
  • Colored Parameter Info popup and Summary tooltip for IntelliSense - Updates the way ReSharper presents parameter information in lookup item popups.
    For example, when using code completion in C# or VB.NET, ReSharper displays parameter types and method return types in a different color, making it easier to visually identify method overloads.
  • New features to formatter engine:
    • Comments in a code file to override formatter settings can be generated directly from the Configure Format dialog.
    • The File Formatting Info tool window explicitly shows the settings affected by StyleCop rules.
    • The Options dialog can now show a StyleCop rule name if StyleCop rules override a code style/formatting setting.
  • JSLint, ESLint, and TSLint
    • Extends the built-in code analysis rules with support for three static analysis tools: JSLint, ESLint, and TSLint.
    • All of these linters help ensure that JavaScript and TypeScript code is readable and maintainable.
    • Allows adding custom rules, which can be included in ReSharper code analysis.
  • Refactorings UI update - Several ReSharper refactorings have been moved to the new presentation framework to help unify the behavior of controls across ReSharper and Rider.
    The key visible UI changes include:
    • Change Signature dialog has a code completion popup for parameter type.
    • Extract Method has a disambiguate popup which specifies whether a method or a local function should be created as a result.
  • Other ReSharper 2018.2 updates include:
    • Fix in scope quick-fixes receive more granular fixing scopes: Fix in method and Fix in class.
    • The code style for Built-in Type was improved: it gets independent settings for member access expressions and "fields, parameters, variable" declarations.
    • There’s a new option to execute BeforeBuild and AfterBuild targets for skipped projects in ReSharper Build.
    • A new inspection to highlight misplaced text in XAML.
    • In XML/XAML support, when you press 'Enter' before a closing tag on a separate line, typing assist now inserts a blank line before the closing tag and leaves the caret on the blank line (instead of moving it to the closing tag).
New features in ReSharper 2018.2.


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