ExpressNavigationPack 18.1.6

Amélioration des contrôles Bars, Editors et Skins.
Octobre 10, 2018
Nouvelle Version


ExpressBars Suite

  • An AV occurs at design time when using the Customization Form to add, remove, or change a bar item on an ancestor form.
  • Bar items are painted with colors that do not match corresponding theme colors of an operating system and disabled bar items cannot be selected if the bar manager's LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is True.
  • Changing a bar item's hint caption in the hint style controller's OnShowHintEx event handler has no effect if the bar item's hint is invoked immediately after another TControl descendant's hint.
  • Ribbon tab groups inherited from a parent form become invisible at runtime if the corresponding ribbon tab's Groups collection is changed.

ExpressEditors Library

  • A TcxContainer descendant scales incorrectly if its ParentFont property is False and the Anchor property has a non-default value.
  • cxDateEdit - An AV occurs on expanding a drop-down calendar in Touch mode if the time range between the system and displayed dates exceeds a month, and the Properties.View property is set to cavClassic or cavModern.
  • cxLabel - The Properties.ShowEndEllipsis property value is ignored if the Properties.Alignment.Horz property is set to taCenter.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - TheBezier skin - The form's caption height is incorrectly calculated if the monitor DPI is not 96.


Incluez des fonctionnalités de ruban, de barre d’outils, de mise en page et de skin à vos applications VCL.

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