MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms Professional 6.5.3

Visio2013Exporter restitue désormais entièrement les tableaux, les conteneurs et les nœuds composites.
Octobre 22, 2018
Nouvelle Version


Visio2013Exporter Improvements

  • The Visio2013Exporter now fully renders table, container and composite nodes.
  • The Visio2013Exporter now renders custom nodes that draw themselves through using the IGraphics interface.
  • The coordinates of exported link end points are now assigned Visio formulas and follow the borders of resized nodes.


  • Node and link Text properties have been moved to the base DiagramItem class. This makes it easier to perform text search and edit operations in a diagram.
  • Container and table node Caption properties now only wrap the base Text property.
  • Map and Visio nodes now also render Text.
MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms Professional

MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms Professional

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