DevExpress WPF 18.1.7

Amélioration des contrôles Bars, Charts, Data Grid, Rich Text Editor et Scheduler.
Novembre 5, 2018
Nouvelle Version


All WPF Controls

  • Excessive borders in the ScrollBar template.
  • TreeListView - It is difficult to use expand buttons in touch themes.

Data-Aware Export

  • GridControl - A calculated value based on a formula isn't pasted from Excel.
  • Numeric text with leading zeros is pasted into GridControl as a number.
  • The AlignByColumns option is not completely supported in GridControl for WPF.
  • Total summaries with fake FieldNames are not exported when the Data Aware export is used even if SummaryCountBlankCells is set to true.
  • TreeListControl - Export of a left aligned SummaryItem to Excel produces the circular reference warning.

DXAccordion for WPF

  • AccordionControl hangs when its item is selected after search.

DXBars for WPF

  • Bars - The Enter key doesn't open a nested sub menu.
  • GalleryItem is unresponsive if Gallery is placed in the Backstage View and the Gallery.IsGroupCaptionVisible property is false.
  • ItemClick is not raised when BarSplitButtonItem is located in RadialContextMenu.
  • MenuHeader is not shown in DXContextMenu after View is reloaded.
  • Popup menus - An item under the mouse pointer is selected automatically on opening a menu.
  • RibbonSplitButtons don't always receive mouse clicks in version 18.18291 and later.
  • The dx:FrameworkElementHelper.AllowDrop property does not work for BarContainerControl.

DXCharts for WPF

  • An exception occurs in the Chart 3D control in the fixed document.
  • ChartControl - Axis labels disappear in the remote desktop connection (RDP) environment.
  • RangeControl throws OverflowException when ItemsSource is updated.
  • Unhandled error occurs when minimizing the ChartControl size in certain situations.
  • WPF Chart3DControl crashes when using SeriesPoint3DMatrixAdapter where all values are the same.

DXControls for WPF

  • DxDialog - An incorrect background color in the Office2016Colorful application theme.
  • DXDialogWindow raises the Closing event twice when its OK button is clicked and e.Cancel is set to True.
  • DXOpenFileDialog shows the File Explorer error if InitialDirectory doesn't exist.
  • DXTabControl - A new tab button does not take the initial state of NewTabCommand into account.
  • DXWindow's BorderEffect is invisible in Office2016 and Office2013 themes.
  • DXWindow's title and icon aren't visible when the IsAeroMode property is enabled and the Office 2016 White SE Theme is applied.
  • Incorrect exception callstack after DXSplashScreen shows.
  • Incorrect gradient for the DXTabItem background.
  • InvalidOperationException is raised when ThemedWindow is used in multiple threads.
  • It's not possible to move DXWindow when the IsAeroMode property is enabled and the Office 2016 White SE Theme is applied.
  • KeyNotFoundException occurs when View Slider is moved in OpenFileDialog in certain themes.
  • Load of DevExpress classes breaks scrolling for popup windows.
  • OpenFileDialog's window isn't correctly resized when high DPI settings are applied.
  • The "Open" button doesn't select any directory if no items are selected in the File Explorer's grid.
  • The use of ThemedWindow with a theme different from DeepBlue causes loading the DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon assembly.
  • ThemedWindow - The ControlBox buttons and other header elements do not respond in a maximized state if the taskbar is shown at the left or top sides.
  • ThemedWindow can be resized to a smaller size than the one declared in the MinHeight and MinWidth properties when MaxHeight and MaxWidth are defined.
  • ThemedWindow is displayed behind the Taskbar in full screen mode.
  • ThemedWindow is incorrectly rendered when being maximized and when its WindowStyle is None.
  • ThemedWindow with a fixed MaxHeight is rendered incorrectly when maximized.
  • ThemedWindow's glow effect is not displayed if the ResizeMode property is set to NoResize.
  • Window is displayed long before its content when DXTabControl is used with the enabled TabContentCacheMode.
  • Window with AllowsTransparency=True is totally transparent when being maximized and a taskbar is hidden.
  • WindowContentHolder class instances aren't disposed when DXMessageBox is shown multiple times.

DXDiagram for WPF

  • DiagramControl allows dropping external objects by default.

DXDocking for WPF

  • An application hangs when the DockController.Activate method is called in the DockItemClosing event handler.
  • ControlBoxButtons are incorrectly styled in the VS2017 and Office2016SE themes.
  • DocumentPanel actions are disabled when showing a non-modal window over a DockLayoutManager window.
  • Float Groups don't arrange their content properly if groups are created and added in code behind.
  • LayoutPanel - ObservableCollection binding is not updated.
  • The BaseLayoutItem.TabCaption property is not restored properly in certain cases.
  • The fullscreen floating panel position is incorrect after a dock layout is restored in certain cases.
  • The OnApplyTemplate method for DocumentPanel's content is called earlier than in version 17.2.

DXEditors for WPF

  • ArgumentNullException is raised in editors with buttons when EditorShowMode is MouseUp or EditorButtonShowMode is not ShowOnlyInEditor and SelectionMode is Cell.
  • CameraControl - The colon symbol is missing in the Desaturate label in the Settings window.
  • ComboBoxEdit - The SelectItemWithNullValue property does not work if it is specified after the ValueMember property.
  • DateEdit's FocusPopupOnOpen places focus at the wrong location.
  • Drop-down editors don't arrange their popup when the popup height increases.
  • LookUpEdit selects wrong items if groups in its drop-down GridControl are deselected via the Selector column.
  • NullReferenceException occurs on adding selected items to the ListBoxEdit.Items collection.
  • RangeControl - Incorrect zooming behavior.
  • RangeControl does not highlight the first or last months when these months don't contain all days.
  • Setting the ToggleSwitch.Foreground property has no effect.
  • The month field of DateEdit's popup is not updated when DateEdit used in a DataTemplate is returned from a DataTemplateSelector class descendant.
  • The right border thickness is incorrect in editors with the DropDown button.

DXGrid for WPF

  • "An item with the same key has already been added" exception occurs on restoring the layout if the Smart Generation mode has been enabled and columns are created manually.
  • A value that is missing in ComboBoxEditSetting ItemsSource cannot be pasted into a corresponding cell even if the DisplayMember/ValueMember properties are not set.
  • ArgumentException is raised in GridControl grouped by multiple columns when the best fit operation is executed.
  • ArgumentException is raised when the RestoreLayoutFrom* method is called and IsSmart is True in GridColumns.
  • CardView does not work well with live data (AllowLiveDataShaping).
  • DataControlDetailDescriptor - An exception occurs on expanding master rows if the detail grid contains GridControlBand with the defined ColumnsSource property.
  • DataUpdateFormatCondition doesn't correctly highlight cells when neighbouring columns are sorted.
  • Grid - A detail grouped column disappears from the group panel after the export.
  • Grid - Inserting clipboard data copied from Excel clears values in a grid row under the target row.
  • Grid - NullReferenceException is thrown on exporting when the parameterless ExportContext.AddRow method is called in CustomizeSheetHeader.
  • Grid Print Preview - The top column border is shifted if the OverlayHeaderByChildren option is enabled for its parent band.
  • GridControl - ScrollBarAnnotations aren't refreshed after a new data source is assigned to a sorted GridControl.
  • GridControl throws an exception when the Conditional Formatting context menu is used for a column removed from the grid.
  • InvalidCastException is thrown if incremental search is used with TabViewDetailDescriptor.
  • LookUpEdit without a nested GridControl throws an exception.
  • Master-Detail - The bottom separator position is calculated incorrectly when the Margin property is set.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in a master-detail GridControl in certain cases when master rows aren't expanded and master data is copied to clipboard.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in the DataViewBase.CreateAutoFilterCriteriaEquals method when GridControl is filtered by an unbound column.
  • Provide an easier way to customize Selector Column properties.
  • Scrollbar Annotations are not updated when the RefreshData method is called.
  • Selection Rectangle - NullReferenceException occurs on selecting rows if a mouse pointer is moved above the data area.
  • The "An item with the same key has already been added" exception may occur when GridControl / TreeListControl uses bands.
  • The "Cannot apply summary 'Sum' to field" exception occurs when the "sum" summary is defined for a string column and the customization window is shown.
  • The CellValueChanged event fires twice when an editor's value is cleared.
  • The CTRL+Up/Down keys don't work when the Incremental Search feature is enabled and the search string is empty.
  • The detail GridControl's columns are exported even if they are hidden.
  • Unbound columns aren't recalculated when a property at the data item level is changed.

DXLayoutControl for WPF

  • ElementSizer disappears after changing the DockSide property at runtime in certain themes.
  • LayoutGroup with View=Tabs throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException in some scenarios.
  • NullReferenceException is raised when an active tab with LayoutControl is switched in TabControl.
  • XamlParseException is raised when DXBinding uses static resources in an element declared in DataTemplate.

DXMap for WPF

  • Vector Layer items in the Cartesian coordinate system are positioned incorrectly in certain situations.

DXPivotGrid for WPF

  • Conditional Formatting - A rule loses its icon set after editing the set and saving and restoring the layout.

DXPrinting for WPF

  • DocumentPreviewControl - The ExportOptions.PrintPreview.ActionAfterExport property is not taken into account in the Export Dialog.
  • DocumentPreviewControl - The PrintingSystemBase.AfterMarginsChange event doesn't fire when document margins are changed.
  • Extra spacing in WPF print dialogs if a project targets .NET Framework 4.7.
  • NullReferenceException occurs when custom controls are used for editing report content in print preview.

DXPropertyGrid for WPF

  • Application crash after an upgrade to v18.1.5.
  • Fluent API's ReadOnly implementation isn't taken into account in PropertyGridControl.
  • PropertyGridControl - Only the last NewItemInstanceInitializer attribute is taken into account.

DXRibbon for WPF

  • DXRibbonWindow's title is collapsed when the resize button is pressed.
  • GalleryItem in RibbonGalleryBarItem stays "selected" when it is disabled on a click.
  • RibbonControl doesn't release its view if it is located in NavigationFrame and merging is used.
  • RibbonControl's Minimize button has incorrect size in the Seven theme when DXRibbonWindow's IsAeroMode property is set to True.
  • RibbonGalleryBarItem - Scrolling by mouse does not allow scrolling to the bottom.
  • Separator items unpredictably show key tips.

DXRichEdit for WPF

  • A skinned border is shown over RichEditControl's SimpleView even if the RichEditControl.ShowBorder option is disabled.
  • RichEditControl is not disposed of if it is located in DockLayoutManager's TabbedGroup.
  • Several RichEditControl ribbon elements are missing on application startup.
  • Tables use incorrect styles after loading a document from HTML.

DXScheduler for WPF

  • A new field is not added when the indexer of the CustomFields collection is used.
  • ArgumentNullException is raised in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduling.AppointmentEditViewModelBase.CreateResources method.
  • FastTextBlock not rendering in WPF Scheduler 18.1.
  • It's impossible to reduce the All Day Area height.
  • MonthView shows the next month instead of the today date if the parent SchedulerControl is bound to a DateNavigator.
  • Provide space in TimelineView's cells for selection.
  • Scheduler - Cell lines are of different thickness in TimelineView on 125 DPI.
  • Scheduler - The last row is cut off from the bottom.
  • SchedulerControl - NullReferenceException in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduling.VisualData.ViewVisualData.GetSingleSelectedCell method.
  • SchedulerControl - OutOfMemoryException in the UpdateTimeBeforeAppointmentStart method.
  • SchedulerControl does not provide an option to show only Resource Appointments.
  • SchedulerControl throws an exception in WeekView and WorkWeekView when a user makes a touch gesture to the left or right.
  • TimelineView - Appointments are painted incorrectly while dragging one of them.
  • Update resources' visibility in WPF SchedulerControl.

DXScheduler for WPF (Legacy)

  • ArgumentException is thrown when adding a specific recurring appointment.
  • The LimitInterval property isn't correctly taken into account while selecting cells in TimeLineView or scrolling using the scroll buttons.

DXSpreadsheet for WPF

  • DevExpress.Xpf.Spreadsheet raises System.NullReferenceException when setting ApplicationThemeName.
  • SpreadsheetControl pastes Microsoft Excel 8.0 Format (Biff8) data from the Clipboard as text.

DXTreeList for WPF

  • Dynamically loaded nodes are not sorted by default in TreeListControl whose sorting settings were initially defined.
  • TreeListControl leads to memory leaks when its DataContext is set to Null.

MVVM Framework

  • Add the capability to manually resolve the view model state type by its type name.
  • DXBinding declarations may cause memory leaks in certain scenarios.
  • DXCommand swallows exceptions that are thrown in bound methods.
  • DXEvent doesn't invoke the bound method when the Loaded event is handled.
  • Mistakes in the documentation WPF Controls > MVVM Framework > Commands > Delegate Commands.
  • NullReferenceException occurs when invoking IModuleManager.Clear.
  • Running multiple instances with NotifyIconService causes a program to crash when the main window is closed using CurrentWindowService.

Windows UI

  • AppBarButton - Two clicks are required to reopen the flyout.
  • The second item is not fully shown if FlipView is located in ScrollViewer with an enabled horizontal scrollbar.
  • TileNavCategory's command is not executed when this category item is selected for the first time.

WPF Demos

  • The built-in column context menu is not styled in the HybridApp demo.

XtraReports Suite

  • Closing the Expression Editor focuses the application's root window but not Report Designer.
  • DocumentPreviewControl - A multi-value parameter's value is selected automatically once a value is typed in the parameter editor when FilterString is specified for the parameter's lookup values collection.
  • DocumentPreviewControl - A report from a remote document source is shown with an incorrect page size.
  • Parameters Panel - Filtering doesn't work correctly in a custom multi-value parameter editor.
  • Report Designer - A connection password is not saved after editing the SqlDataSource.Queries collection (the IConnectionStorageService issue).
  • Report Designer - The preview tab of the merged RibbonControl is empty (UseOfficeInspiredRibbonStyle=True).
  • The WPF Reporting Demo never loads when the display DPI scaling level is 125% (120 DPI).
  • WPF Report Designer - A blank label is added to a report when a field list scroll button is clicked twice.
  • WPF Report Designer - Application crashes on an attempt to change the EFDataSource filter criteria in the properties panel.
  • WPF Report Designer - Expression Editor's dropdown displays items from a master report data member.
  • WPF Report Designer - Expressions may be not visible in the property grid.
DevExpress WPF

DevExpress WPF

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