SmartAssembly Pro 7.0.0

La protection contre les altérations peut désormais être utilisée pour les assemblys .NET Core et .NET standard 2.0+.
Mars 18, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • .NET Core and .NET Standard support.
  • You can now use either SQLite or SQL Server database for feature and error reporting.
  • If the map file was unavailable at the time of downloading an error report, the report can be reloaded manually with a new “Reload” button in the report dialog.
  • MSIL Disassembler Protection can now be used for .NET Core and .NET Standard assemblies.
  • Tamper Protection can now be used for .NET Core and .NET Standard 2.0+ assemblies.
  • New command-line argument /additionalProbingPath was added, making it possible to pass additional directory where SmartAssembly should look for dependencies.
  • SmartAssembly.Attributes_NetStandard.dll was added, making it possible to easily use SmartAssembly attributes in .NET Core and .NET Standard assemblies.
  • SmartAssembly MSBuild tasks were updated, making it possible to use SmartAssembly processing for .NET Core and .NET Standard projects.
  • In sections “Dependencies Merging” and “Dependencies Embedding” SmartAssembly now shows collapsible list of dependencies that cannot be merged and embedded, as well as separate collapsible list of additional assemblies (such as NuGet packages) that can be merged.
SmartAssembly Pro

SmartAssembly Pro

Obfuscateur .NET et rapport d’erreurs automatique.

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