Aspose.Cells for Java V19.3

Conservez les séparateurs dans les lignes vides lors de l'exportation d'un fichier XLS vers CSV.
Mars 20, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • Preserve separators for empty rows when exporting an XLS file to CSV.


  • Text extraction results differ from the original.
  • The text is not properly aligned in PDF output.
  • Text color (black) is changed to red in HTML rendering.
  • Scatter chart is not rendered in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Horizontal axis labels are not rendered fine for charts in Excel to PDF rendering.
  • 2D Bubble chart is not rendered in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Issue while embedding same PDF file in multiple sheets in a workbook.
  • Workbook.hasExernalLinks() does not return true for DDE links.
  • Fonts setting and other objects not copied using Range.copy() function.
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException exception while converting XLSX to HTML.
  • Exception raised by MS Excel after applying styling to range of header cells.
Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells for Java

Créez et gérez des feuilles de calcul Excel sans passer par Microsoft Excel.

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