Aspose.Words for Java V19.5

Ajout de la classe StreamFontSource qui permet le chargement de polices à partir d’un flux.
Mai 8, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • JDK 1.6 build option added for customers that request it.
  • Docx-to-Pdf Performance optimization: cold start time decreased 20% depending on application.
  • Docx-to-Pdf Performance optimization: warm time improved between 2 to10 times depending on application.
  • Mailmerge performance improved up to 50% for tasks of particular types.
  • Removed obsolete properties and methods related to font substitution settings in FontSettings class.
  • Implemented StreamFontSource class which allows you to load fonts from a stream.
  • Implemented TOC to logical structure export when rendering PDF.
  • Implemented proper rendering of embedded fonts in PDF when different font subsets have the same internal name.
  • Text in the format "x...." in the string values of the series category of DrawingML chart is now rendered as a string corresponding to the specified character code.
  • Improved rendering of metafiles to XPS.
Aspose.Words for Java

Aspose.Words for Java

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