FastCube.Net 2019.3

Ajout du package NuGet FastCube.Core qui permet de travailler avec des cubes dans les applications ASP.NET et en mode console.
Mai 28, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • Added NuGet package FastCube.Core which allows working with cubes in ASP.NET and console applications.
  • Added date split to half year.
  • Added SliceGrid.StatusZone.FloatFormat and SliceGrid.StatusZone.IntegerFormat. Use them to change format of values in StatusBar.
  • Added groupcreationby condition in code (Group.CreateGroupByRange) and in SliceGrid menu.
  • Grouping and filtering through the axes context menu now handles selection.
  • Added ZoneRestrictions.DontShowDropDown item.
  • Added designer serialization for SliceGrid and CubeGrid zones.


  • Fixed error with cell detail.
  • Fixed error with loading of empty cube.

FastCube .NET

Outil efficace d'analyse de données pour .NET.

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