Aspose.PDF for C++ V19.7

Améliore le sous-système de globalisation et les classes connectées.
Juillet 15, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • Totally rewritten System.Convert, System.DateTime, System.TimeSpan classes.
  • Implemented System.DateTimeOffset class.
  • Extended System.TimeZoneInfo class.
  • Totally rewritten CultureInfo, NumberFormatInfo, DateTimeFormatInfo, RegionInfo classes.
  • Generated tables with cultures and regions data used in Windows 10 (these tables are used in linux by default).
  • Implemented the caching of CultureInfo and RegionInfo objects.
  • Totally rewritten numbers, DateTime and TimeSpan values formatting and parsing.
  • Totally rewritten String::Format implementation.
  • Introduced System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo class.
  • Extended System.Globalization.CompareInfo, System.Globalization.StringInfo classes.
  • Implemented System.Globalization.IdnMapping class.
  • Partially implemented SortKey and SortMapping classes.
  • Introduced System.IFormattable interface.
  • Introduced SpinLock and OptionalSpinLock classes.
  • All culture classes are thread safe.
Aspose.PDF for C++

Aspose.PDF for C++

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