Remote Desktop Manager 2019.1.38

Prend en charge SSMS 18 et ajoute une solution de secours à l'authentification par mot de passe si le principal agent échoue dans SSH.
Juillet 17, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • Added a fallback to password authentication if the key agent fails in SSH.
  • Added Citrix Netscaler as an available session type when applying a VPN/SSH/Gateway.
  • Added option in Chrome embedded to disable loading messages.
  • Added the status message display feature to all entry dashboards.
  • Backspace mode is now correctly supported in Terminal.
  • SSMS Add-on changes to support Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.


  • Fixed Google Cloud path handling to allow item names with spaces.
  • Fixed issue converting to/from putty with the scrollback lines.
  • Fixed issue with SQL Azure Integrated Security no private vault.
  • Fixed MAC algorithm negotiation to skip matching MAC when the matching cipher has an implied MAC in Terminal.
  • Fixed possible freeze with autorefresh when opening system settings.
  • Fixed quick connect VNC not prompting for username password.
  • Fixed RTF extra prompt.
  • Fixed the issue where the scrollbar goes back to the top after editing an entry in duplicate entries report.
  • Fixed the problem where it was impossible to get access to the "Ping" contextual menu Macro/Script/Tool option with a Web Browser.
Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager

Connexions distantes et mots de passe. Partout.

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