PDFlib TET 5.2

Améliore la détection des tableaux grâce à l'identification des étendues de lignes et de colonnes.
Juillet 26, 2019
Nouvelle Version


  • Improved table detection with row and column span identification.
  • Mark Artifacts (irrelevant text and images) in TETML and the API.
  • Extract text and images from annotations and patterns.
  • Support for inline images and images in soft masks.
  • New language binding for .NET Core.
  • Enhancements in all language bindings and updates for the latest language versions.
  • Many bug fixes, improvements and workarounds for damaged PDF.
  • Security updates for third-party libraries.
  • Optionally retrieve Separation and DeviceN text colors in the simpler alternate color space instead of the rather complex native color space.


Outils d’extraction de texte.

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